
A new hope

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Joined in 2007
March 18, 2013, 08:52

Black Pearl:

The life as it speaks towards an ocean into raindrops of time

Dancing and singing around the land, in actions and motions

Acting up a storm, jumping up in one classic yarn.

Take my spot; I am only in search, for my deep inner connection…

As it thickens in shades of green, and pearls of pure white.

But wait a minute, one pearl is Black.

Can I have a solution, to solve this new open aware problem?

Is this okay…? It feels and seems like; everyone is staring into my building of chains.

Cascaded water falls is what I was dreaming. One wonderful direction perfect delight.

With valleys and mountains and lovely hillsides.

The sun is bright; I get my energy from rays and light, in one vitalizing vitamin rain.

This is fulfilling, life to me, in a journey of many spirals, turns and spills.

A black pearl of night hinders my inner sight.

A single disguarded messed up black pearl is left in the Eden garden.

That fell off the pearl chain of great winter bright white.

To be now accepted, in the holy garden of beauty new ‘Light.

By Mathew Hrycyk.

All the best in every way.

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