
Ben 20 - AOG Christian young man is coming out

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Joined in 2007
July 13, 2008, 12:08

Hi Ben

I just want to encourage you on your journey. I know how hard it can be, and I want you to know how big God is… so amazing and unfathomable and so much more than we can imagine…. and soooo different to the religious, judgemental, moralistic God that church can portray at times.

I saw this incredible documentary called “For The Bible Tells Me So” ( have a look at the trailer on youtube or visit the website) and if you are able to order a copy from the US you should… it is something that maybe your parents should see and it may help give them a better understanding of the faith/sexuality conflict. It’s an amazing film.

Joined in 2007
July 15, 2008, 20:41

Hey Ben, Maybe you did read my story. God loves you men. I happy that you are happy. And that you found a way out of doing the most foolish thing taking your life. Thats never a way out and it breaks my heart to hear that teens have done it from different churches. That is never a way out. God loves you.

Youth Coordinator
Joined in 2008
July 23, 2008, 00:53

Hey guys & gals,

Thank you everyone so much for all of your support and encouragements.

It has definitely been a rollercoaster ride these last couple of weeks and months but I couldn’t have done it without all of you.

So now I am officially an openly gay Christian male. I have told my parents and my sister, some of my uni friends and some people at church. Most responses I received were very unexpected. Most were full of love and compassion, especially from my family. My family truly did show me the love of Christ. My dad is slowly but surely becoming less homophobic and my sister is accepting and honest. They have their expectations and standards that they expect me to live by but they want me to be happy and they are proud that I still have my strong faith in Christ. 😀

I have been so blessed these past few weeks and months, meeting some amazing people at Freedom 2 b[e] and MCC. So if you are reading this and are a bit unsure about coming to Freedom or MCC, please do come. There is such a great bunch of beautiful people.

Also I have received a few emails recently from others within hillsong and also people that have left the church who were interested in my journey. There are some GLBT people in hillsong. Not heaps but we are not alone.

So I am a 20 year old gay Christian male and I am so proud to be gay and proud to be a Christian. My relationship with Jesus has only gotten stronger and I have met some amazing lifelong friends and shared stories that inspire, encourage and provide hope.

With heroes like Anthony Venn-Brown, Azariah Southworth and every single GLBT man and woman that shares their story, more and more people are finding hope, truth and freedom.

Have a great week all!!!! 😀 😀 😀

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
July 23, 2008, 12:29

I’m sure I speak for all us when I say how thrilled we are how things have worked out for you.

I knew it was only a matter of time before we began to hear positive stories like yours.

its a shame that so many gay and lesbian people have left Hillsong….and really unfortunate that for some it was quite a traumatic experience.

Maybe it is a new day Ben and we should rejoice that you are the firstfruits of many who will also be proud gay christians in a pentecostal context.

Youth Coordinator
Joined in 2008
August 25, 2008, 13:31

Hey all,

Thanks heaps everyone for your support and encouragement:

If you would like to find out more of my story, please go to:

Joined in 2007
August 25, 2008, 21:32

Great to read more about you Ben. Nice plug for F2b also 😉

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
August 25, 2008, 23:41

well ben… have been a busy boy haven’t you.

Joined in 2007
August 26, 2008, 17:05

Hi Ben!

It seems I am late to the party, but that’s because I tend to lurk or else not visit here as much as I used to.

I just wanted to tell you how much your story has encouraged and inspired me. So wonderful to hear that your friends were so loving and supportive of you.

God bless!

Joined in 2008
August 26, 2008, 17:33

Your blog is cool Ben. 😀

Youth Coordinator
Joined in 2008
August 30, 2008, 01:27

Hey all,

Can I please ask that you would keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

My life has been so tough lately.

– I am still feeling like I am a failure to God and even a failure as a gay man

– Suicidal thoughts, tendencies and self-harm are back 🙁

– Some of my closest friends have told me, after coming out to them that they no longer want to be friends

– I may lose my job because I work in a Christian workplace

– Relationship problems

Sorry to be so negative in this post…Things are normally so so great but I am feeling like I just can’t go on any more…

Please pray for me…..I need it desperately.. 😕

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