
Church Life in General From student matt

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Joined in 2007
May 11, 2007, 13:49

I think church life is some what of a journey, for instance I tried so hard to dedicate my-self to the christian faith, I member this one time when I was in South Melbourne, while trying to make some form of inner conection towards ‘Purple Heart Ministires,. I actully thought anything could be possible, all I had to do was to just find that single Lesbian, becacse I was Gay, and having all these feelings. I truly actully thought that I could recieve some wonderful amazing ‘Hetrosexual Life.

But time grew on and I some-how got sick and found myself in front of Mental Health Scene.

So the truth is I had to try and be true to myself, when I got back to City of Sydney. But some-how I ended up at a small Community Church, one A.O.G. Church in Petersham, thinking change was still possible.

I often wondered was it just some sort of broken mixed up sexuality, being a shattered connection in front of God.

Then the church was telling me how about teen Challenge, that might knock some sense into me, about being centered and whole, before Christ.

So two church members took me their to have a interview, I felt that this was wrong, I wanted to leave as soon as possible. I said to the person who saw me I am not a drug addict, surly their must be some kind of mistake. Then he said as he looked over my form I see you are from a Homosexual Background, “Yes ” I said. I was sweating with a slight nervous reaction when he said that.

I just thought the other guys will name call me think I am not like them.

So just had to say know to “Teen Challenge in Sydney.

So now the years have past and I am near thirty, I think to myself where is my church life now. From student Matt.

Joined in 2006
May 11, 2007, 19:11

Welcome Matt to Freedom 2b. Sounds like you have had quite and interesting journey. Are you with a church at all? what do purple heart ministries do? sorry for my ignorance…..

Joined in 2007
May 11, 2007, 19:17


God Bless

Joined in 2007
May 11, 2007, 20:51

Purple Heart Ministries is dedicated to the restoring of hearts broken by the world and by misguided members of the church. If you have been through trials as a Christian and come out a winner, you have felt the true power of God’s Grace work in your life. To earn the Purple Heart you must be wounded in battle. Nobody wants to get wounded but if you’re following God’s will, the devil doesn’t like it and sooner or later, people get hurt. This is the time when a church should be reaching out whether it’s a bitter divorce, alchoholism, or any other vice that drags a good Christian down. Oftentimes a person is ridiculed or even ex-communicated from his or her church family when it’s the one time they’re needed most. Purple Heart Ministries is here NOT AS COUNSELORS but as a group of people like yourself who have been there and come through the fire, and felt God’s grace. We are looking for e-mail partners who have been through trials of all kinds just to listen, and to be there in a person’s darkest hour. To listen, and to pray, and to be an assurance that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and that God has NOT and never will, leave them alone. If you would like to be such a person, or if you need a person to assure you that you are not alone, send me your story via e-mail. You need not leave your name and all mail is kept strictly confidential. from

I know that Sandy was involved with them a few months ago, they are based in melbourne I think from memory. Remember Matt that the Chruch is not your faith. The chruch is made up of broken and sinful people, it is far from perfect. Be thankful that Christ and His law is, for his power is made perfect in our weaknesses so we are asked to find joy in them and their ability to force us to rely on God and his grace solely.

Anna Laurenson.

Joined in 2006
May 13, 2007, 11:58

Thanks Anna for the explanation ) , they sound like a good group….shame the church cant be the support its meant to be but as you stated, But i guess it wont ever be in its full capacity as such becuse it in itself is a place of hurting people too, people on different parts of their journey and also a place that is led by broken people and people at different levels, but at least be great if the judgementalist attitude would be tapered and just not there. Its just a shame also that too many leaders make out they have it all together and have all the answers and know how to “read” and understand the bible in its entirety, fact is no-one can completely, to do so i would think you would have to know God in his entirety. (By saying this I am not taking away from bible authority or authenticity.) wink

Joined in 2006
May 13, 2007, 12:24

welcome matt

once been involved a little with teen challenge myself.

I think slowly but surely things are changing in attitudes from churches (pentecostal and charismatic) but ofcoarse you still have to search far and wide to find them,well at least that are openly accepting.

all the best mate and i hope you find some support and friendship through freedom



Joined in 2007
May 17, 2007, 00:58

I think church life is some what of a journey, for instance I tried so hard to dedicate my-self to the christian faith, I member this one time when I was in South Melbourne, while trying to make some form of inner conection towards ‘Purple Heart Ministires,. I actully thought anything could be possible, all I had to do was to just find that single Lesbian, becacse I was Gay, and having all these feelings. I truly actully thought that I could recieve some wonderful amazing ‘Hetrosexual Life.

But time grew on and I some-how got sick and found myself in front of Mental Health Scene.

So the truth is I had to try and be true to myself, when I got back to City of Sydney. But some-how I ended up at a small Community Church, one A.O.G. Church in Petersham, thinking change was still possible.

I often wondered was it just some sort of broken mixed up sexuality, being a shattered connection in front of God.

Then the church was telling me how about teen Challenge, that might knock some sense into me, about being centered and whole, before Christ.

So two church members took me their to have a interview, I felt that this was wrong, I wanted to leave as soon as possible. I said to the person who saw me I am not a drug addict, surly their must be some kind of mistake. Then he said as he looked over my form I see you are from a Homosexual Background, “Yes ” I said. I was sweating with a slight nervous reaction when he said that.

I just thought the other guys will name call me think I am not like them.

So just had to say know to “Teen Challenge in Sydney.

So now the years have past and I am near thirty, I think to myself where is my church life now. From student Matt.

Hey Matt, just wanted to say a warm welcome. We are all on a journey and I pray that yours will become clearer and its inline with what your heart desire. Think of this f2b as a family who looks out for you. You have a connection with God, who has never let you go. You may think God has but infact God has been there all the time. Nothing embarrassed God. God knew you before you were born and knows you so much more than you can imagine. Rest in that thought and while you are resting, just pop a direction for God to show you where you can go to have a “church life” that will enable you to feel at home and loved.

Love you child of God, we are all students of life.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
May 17, 2007, 11:33

I think that we have to admit that in the majoirty of cases leadership and others in pentecostal cirlces are ill equipped and informed to offer genuine help to same sex oriented people. The basis of thier belief is on an english translation of the bible that was written centuries ago. Whilst some is relevant to today there is also a lot that is still locked in a culture of ignorance. There are many examples of that.

I would say that the average pastor has read nothing of the research on sexual orientation.

Joined in 2007
May 28, 2007, 00:27

Yeah that is a worry! I woud be nice to be in a church where your sexuality did not matter and the focus was on the relationship with God was more important.

I think the tides are changing as more people become aware… I can see a number of people are confronted when they discover that not only am I gay… Im a Christian… shock horror… you can’t be both. Smile.

Sigh… if only people stop and read what Jesus spoke about. He never mentioned issues about Gay people so isn’t that a hint for all Christians?


Joined in 2006
May 28, 2007, 00:33

My sentiments also Craig…..its relationship with God that counts. Kindve outweighs everything else. Out of that r/ship we then want to do what pleases God and Jesus showed us what that is.

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