
Half out of the closet...

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Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
July 12, 2011, 12:15

Hi Seejaneburn,

I agree with everything Ann Maree said, your parents sound sympathetic to say the least to Gay people, which is a very good start. Yes maybe their idea that being gay is a choice is flawed as Ann Marie said, however many have or held this believe. I did, but I didn’t know any different, that was how I was bought up, what I was led to believe by society and the church, I was as misguided on this as anyone. It wasn’t until my son came out to us, that we realised being gay is not a choice, people are born that way and it’s ok. I know you don’t want to disappoint them and have tried to live up to their expectations of you, now is the time for you to think of yourself and your children and the new baby, you need to put your needs first, your parents sound like they love you, so they might just surprise you.

God Bless

Joined in 2011
July 12, 2011, 13:53

Thank you so much, Mother Hen and Anne Maree 🙂 You both made me a little teary (yay hormones!!) and it is wonderful to me how you both accept your children without reservation. I am very glad my parents are loving and accepting to the extent they are: I do know that if I was able to tell them, and if I did one day find a partner who maybe wasn’t of the opposite sex, they would be accepting towards them. I’m not sure they would be accepting towards my being gay, but they would be loving regardless. My dad is very set in his views: he’s an intellectual and has recently been through Bible college, so his theological opposition to homosexuality is very grounded in the ‘evidence’ he finds for himself through his own careful research. I think the only way he would accept me as gay would involve direct divine intervention, so I’m leaving it up to ther Divine to sort that one out. Ultimately, most of my struggles and fears are solved by releasing them and having faith that the Divine will keep working out the pattern of things and make sure I am ok. When I do release situations and fears and just try and do what I’ve been given to do, I find that things miraculously happen and it doesn’t work out as badly as I had feared. Grace is a wonderful thing!

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