
Justme 40, Trying to make sense of things!

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
September 1, 2010, 19:24

we dont go to hell for not following through on a promise……sheeeeesh. :~

i think sometimes some christians forget we human beings…..imperfect…..not evil…….just fumbling our way through life and learning as we go……mostly by our mistakes.

Joined in 2008
September 1, 2010, 21:44

i think sometimes some christians forget we human beings…..imperfect…..not evil…….just fumbling our way through life and learning as we go……mostly by our mistakes.

I think the perfectionist ideal that seem to be so highly espoused by some christians can be a trap to many people, gay or straight. There is an expectation that if you “do the right thing” (whatever that is!) you will always get what you want …

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
September 2, 2010, 08:33

i think sometimes some christians forget we human beings…..imperfect…..not evil…….just fumbling our way through life and learning as we go……mostly by our mistakes.

I love that, avb. Very well put. 🙂

I think we can all be guilty of forgetting who we really are. The perfectionistic thing is a trap. You’re right Pierre. The journey to being fully human or spiritual is about wholeness not perfection in the sense of always having to be right. We seem to have lost sight that If we accept ourselves warts and all and learn from the mistakes, we develop and grow. If we never experience the ‘wrong’ and how to correct errors, we never truly know ‘right’.


Ann Maree

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