
Love Is an Orientation

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Joined in 2008
May 9, 2010, 11:52

I’ve just finished reading the book Love is an Orientation by Andrew Marin, and what a powerful book it is too! Only took me a month to finish 😉

In one sense, I was sort of expecting a story about a guy who had received a “calling” to help LGBT people in his city of Chicago USA … and in a very basic sense that’s what he does … but there’s much more than that …

There were many themes that resonated with me, but one theme has stuck in my mind;

The Bible is a book about God, not about human sexuality. One passage in the book I think sums this up perfectly:

From a straight Christian perspective, the ideal life is to get married and have a family. From a gay perspective, the ideal is to come out and live a happy, sexually reconciled faith as an active gay man or lesbian woman. And for those believers with a same-sex attraction who don’t fit in the other two ideals, the third ideal is to be celibate. What each ideal has in common is that they all focus on sex – or lack thereof – as the standard by which to judge a life.

He promotes a fouth ideal, which is to be yourself before God, and not conform to anyone else’s expectations that seem ideal to the outside world.

Now think freedom2b[e]’s mission and objectives … sound familiar?

A highly commended and recommended read 🙂

Also check out the website at

Joined in 2010
May 9, 2010, 17:37

OMG. I am almost finished it.

It really is an amazing book. So well done…

Highly recommended…

I was never good at reviews… Hence, I failed many book reports =P

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
May 25, 2011, 19:54

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