
not out still confused 47

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Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
December 10, 2011, 07:30

Hi sarab

Congratulations on your successful coming out to your friend. Sounds like it went very well. How do you feel as a result? 🙂


Ann Maree

Princess _Fiona
Joined in 2011
December 10, 2011, 14:18

Hi sarab

Hope you are enjoying your weekend so far. Just wanted say that you are in my thoughts and prayers, this weekend as you take the time to write a letter to your friend. I know God will grant you peace, wisdom and give you the right words you needed to do this. 🙂

Thanks for sharing, that you came out to another Christian friend, even though she is broadminded as you said, it does take courage to do this, so well done (smiles and claps).:) Sounds like it had a positive outcome, am I right in saying this? As you said another tiny step for you – amazing, all these tiny steps sure add up overtime to make you stronger.


Joined in 2011
December 12, 2011, 20:59

Hi all,

Just thought I'd give a little update.

Ann Maree – you asked how I feel about coming out to a Christian friend.

I found it a bit difficult to tell her – but was clear on the fact that I wanted to. I felt that if I do decide to continue going to this Bible study that I needed an ally – someone who would know where I was coming from and that I could talk with should things get challenging or difficult in the group. She works in a field where there is a lot of diversity – so I knew she'd be OK with what I had to share. She was very unfazed and perhaps had begun to piece things together anyway. I feel that my decision was the right one and I am glad to have shared this with her.

As for other things that are helping me continue forward…

I am trying at the moment to focus a little less on sexuality – and all that this process of coming out to myself has entailed and what it means. Rather, I am trying to focus on what it means to know a loving God. (This came through a discussion I had with someone with whom I have shared my journey, is also Christian and gay). I think this is a wise path for me at the moment. I shared a little on Princess Fiona's thread that I have been talking to myself about "walking gently towards God". I – like Princess Fiona, can relate to feeling distant from God – disconnected. I aim to make it a priority to figure out again who God is to me. Today I even thought a little about Mother God – rather than Father God – I tried to picture a nurturing sheltering supportive Mother. I am also reminding myself that we are created in the image of God. I am putting a bit more quiet in my life. Switching off music, computers (!!), TV… and just trying to spend a few moments just "being".

I haven't written my letter to my friend yet about the judgemental "liberty minstries" book she sent…. I have though been composing it in my mind.

I have been to the Christmas party of the new church. I have had my last day at my old church. This was quite symbolic – leaving the old behind and moving forward to a new Year and a new chapter. I have been reminded also (thanks Ann Maree!) of staying in the moment – giving thanks for the present and recognising that growth and learning is happening now – and that happiness and fulfilment can be now – even in the midst of unresolved stuff. The "end point" may actually be an illusion. I don't mean by this that "happiness never comes". I guess though I just want to keep in mind that being content in the present moment will ultimately be a more positive path to where the future might lead me.

Does that make sense?

Don't get me wrong – I am still as screwed up as ever 🙂 🙂 – I have my absolute spin out moments… I have moments of catastrophising and moments where I wonder whether I can ever meet anyone…. I fear coming out to family… I go over old ground about coming out – when? how? etc. – I have times of anxiety about God…. So all in all I am a mixture of things – just trying to figure it out – as well as living a life day to day!

– well that pretty much sums up the Sarab update. 🙂

xxx 🙂

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
December 12, 2011, 21:20

Hi sarab

You articulate things very well so your post makes great sense! Thanks for that and the way you reflect on things.

You are wise to have recognised you needed an ally in your bible group and to have chosen to come out to someone who was deemed as low risk of rejecting you (because of her job working with diversity). I'm so glad her response was positive and that you feel good about your coming out to her. Congratulations again! 🙂

I'm all in favour of bringing the sacred feminine to the fore in spirituality. We need that to balance the masculine. The feminine has been hidden for too long.

I guess though I just want to keep in mind that being content in the present moment will ultimately be a more positive path to where the future might lead me.

Very true indeed. We create our future in the present. 🙂

Keep up the good work.


Ann Maree

Princess _Fiona
Joined in 2011
December 12, 2011, 23:11

Hi Sarab

Thanks again for your comments to me, your are an inspiration. We may not have it all worked out, but are well on the way. 🙂

Wasnt sure if you were joking with your "still screwed up as ever" comment, cause you sure don't seem that to me when I read your postings. Your a wise, intelligent woman!!!!!!

Walks off to bed with a smile on my face tonight, thanks to your encouragement and words of wisdom.


Joined in 2011
December 13, 2011, 09:13

Hey… sarab…

Wow… new chapters happening all around you… coming out to a friend at the bible study group; composing a letter in your mind to the friend who gave you the book; saying goodbye to your old church; saying hello to your new church… and what a great way to do that, through a Christmas party.

Love what you are doing … with finding space to 'be' – it takes a lot of time of 'looking out the window' or lighting a candle and watching the flame; or gazing at some of your art around your house… processing takes time. I have also found the reflective prayer guidance from on the internet helpful too… and advent is a good time to be reflecting on new beginnings.

I spend a fair amount of time thinking of God in the feminine… or at least, in both genders… there are the feminine images of God in the Bible – with her suckling an infant; nestling her children under her wings; and giving birth; and a couple of others. I trust that your stillness leads you to an increasing awakening of God with you, in the present, in gentleness, compassion and gracious favour…

Take care today…


Joined in 2011
December 18, 2011, 19:43

Hi all,

today I finsihed writing a letter to my friend. This is the friend who sent me a book "what we once were" – a fairly damaging anti gay book which pointed people towards ex gay ministries.

I thought I would share a little of what I wrote…

"Dear xxx,

It is never easy to raise a difficult or sensitive issue with a friend. I appreciate that it was perhaps difficult for you to let me know that you had "pieced things together" with where I am at. Thank you for your care and concern and for thinking to send me the book………. As you are aware I decided to see a counsellor this year to sort out how it is that I have been on my own for all my life. It has been at times a painful and challenging process, yet ultimately positive as I have come to realize and accept that it would not be a man I would choose to partner with and that I would like to see myself partnering with a woman in the future…..

…… I appreciate that you and I will see things differently on this issue. I have been a Christian and moved in Christian circles long enough to have heard every debate and every Bible verse used to state a case against same sex relationships. So, if it is not too much to ask – could I ask that you and I don't go down the route of "debate" on this? After all, we won't be covering new ground for me. I have heard it all before. The book you sent, while I know with much love and best intentions – is very much at odds with my understanding and beliefs. I have never in the past, nor do I now, see being gay as something people need to be "healed" of. There is not a part of me that could ever condone "ex gay ministries" I have read too many stories of the damage such ministries do to people's lives. Rest assured…… My faith is strong…. the church I am going to preaches Christ crucified and resurrected… a doctrine of grace, and just like all other churches – we have celebrated Advent – the coming of Christ in recent weeks. It is also a church that is affirming of same sex relationships. If anything, I think God has brought me to this new point and new church – & has given me a gift……. I am hopeful that this journey for me doesn't become "the elephant in the room" in our friendship. I don't yet know where I will end up – but it is important for me to act with a certain amount of integrity towards myself and within my friendships – hence the need for me to write this letter…"

And that's pretty much where I ended my letter…

I thought fb 2ers I would share this as it may help others and also as a way of saying thank you to those on this site who have made it possible for me to even write such a letter. Mother Hen – I had your words about "just being honest" with me as I wrote… and Ann Maree your encouragement about acting with integrity – being kind to oneself – setting boundaries etc – all of this has helped. Even those of you who have given me a little "wow"! or "WTG" every now and then – it's all given me courage and strength.


Sarab xx

Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
December 18, 2011, 19:58

Sarab you have done really well, give yourself a pat on the back. You were honest, true to yourself while showing respect to your friend. I love how you started of commending and thanking her on bringing the issue up, awesome way to start, puts her at ease straight away and lets her know you value her.

Also how you said that you have basically heard it all with scriptures and ask that the two of you don't go over this ground is awesome, well done. I think this is really important. This is you standing up for what is best for you, being firm but gentle at the same time. Good on you.

The only thing I could possible suggest it that to finish the letter you state how much you value their friendship and that you would love to continue that friendship will love and respect for each other. Other than that you have done a wonderful job.

The title of your post "Not out still confused" is not such the case any more is it. You are doing so well in your journey, really proud of you.

Joined in 2011
December 18, 2011, 20:09

hey thanks so much mother hen – and yes I have indeed ended my letter saying "I hope you'll appreciate that I wanted to be open with you as I do value our friendship – You are an important part of my life".

As for the title of my original post… hmm – still a work in progress but thanks for the encouragement!!

sarab 🙂 xx

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
December 18, 2011, 20:47

Hi Sarab

Your letter is brilliant. Through your writing, I can really feel the love and consideration you have both for your friend and yourself. Well done! The tone is wonderful. So good for you. 🙂


Ann Maree

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