
Obama Supports Gay Marriage

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Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
May 14, 2012, 20:32

Hi forestgrey

That's v encouraging to hear. 🙂

Of course just because someone has a gay son doesn't necessarily mean they're pro-LGBTI (as many here can attest to) but good if they are.

I think Turnbull is a funny man and witty. Nice to know he was at the Mardi gras – makes me like him even more.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2005
May 16, 2012, 22:26

Hi Forestgrey,

I'm with Ann Maree, that encouraging to hear. I had a feeling that Turnbull may be pro-LGBTI & had no idea that John Robertson yes, leader of the NSW Opposition has a gay son. But as Ann Maree rightly points out, just because you have a gay son (or daughter) it doesn't necessarily make you pro-gay. Just look at Tony Abbot, he has a lesbian daughter, but that doesn't make him pro-gay.

Its interesting though, I've already started hearing whispers of disappointment with Obama & comments like, "I thought he was a Christian, but he is supporting gay marriage" among some of my personal friends and family, I suspect that there are many who are greatly disappointed with his stance. But good on him for taking the risk to voice his opinion and take a stand, even if it will likely be the end of him, as president that is. Whether it makes any difference here, I guess only time will tell.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
May 16, 2012, 22:44

Hi Brunski

I don't think Obama's supportive stance on gay marriage will be the cause for his demise.. I think there are other issues at play in US politics and concerning Obama's leadership.

And as for so-called Christians doubting Obama's 'Christianity' because of the compassionate stance he's taken, people doubted Jesus and all the truly spiritual leaders throughout history too. Don't listen to nay sayers, Brunski. Subscribing to certain dogma or beliefs doesn't make someone a Christian. It's in being kind when it's hard. It's in favouring social justice issues over the establishment and seeking to change the rules of the establishment to help people.

I think he's already made a difference here – He may not have immediately influenced politicians in Australia however Obama has openly shown acceptance and valuing of the LGBTI community, affirming that they should have the same rights in marriage as others have. So it gives me hope that others will follow his lead.

And on that note, I just saw some fabulous articles on this topic written by a former premier of Victoria, Jeff Kennett.

In his article today in the Herald Sun titled 'Australians Must Embrace Gay Marriage', Kennett said he doesn't oppose gay marriage and has changed his views on this "because of the way discrimination against so many in the gay and lesbian community has caused so much stress, anxiety, depression and suicide." I think that's fantastic.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2005
May 20, 2012, 11:37

Hi Ann Maree,

yeah I agree, I don't think Obama's stance on gay marriage will be the cause of his downfall, it may not help, but I'm pretty sure as you say there are host of other influenced that may lead to his downfall.

I think apart from what he has or hasn't done in US politics and on the world stage, I feel sorry for him in a way. There was SO MUCH Hope and anticipation, so much hype, so much excitement and expectation on his shoulders as the first black man to be elected as US President & I don't think he has lived up to all expectations and how could he anyway? There was way too much expectation and pressure, poor guy. I hope he does get reelected but cant help but think that he probably wont.

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