
On a mission - What god has put in my heart

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Joined in 2010
October 18, 2010, 20:36

Hey Guys

As you wall know Friday was wear it purple day, on this day i encountered a mechanic at work who unientionaly put me and my sexuality on show for the rest of my work place to see, i say unitentionally because after thought on the subject i realised he was just being curious, he just went about it in a completely obnoxious way… still at the time it got me a bit down.

As this day wore on and i was praying in my head as i usually am at work, i got a message in my heart to write i sermon for my church about reconciling the gap between our two communities, what i would like to hear from you guys is any thoughts, ideas you have on this subject as well as any images you might have regarding both gay hate and pro gay stances.

I am not intending with this sermon to debate homosexuality as such, only to preach love and acceptance at this stage (baby steps) using the rescent spate of gay youth suicides as a platform that 1 life lost to hate and bigotry is too many and that church should be a safe haven not the perpetrators.

So if anyone would like to comment send me some images or let me know where i can find some i would be incredibly appreciative

Much love

Mel xx

Joined in 2007
October 19, 2010, 02:19

Great idea, Mel!

I think that something which is important, is that Church should be the safe haven as you’ve already stated, and also that this should not come from a place of wanting to change people but from wanting to give people a safe place to be themselves and leave the rest up to God. I know that is the attitude I have met in my church, and it is such a balm to my spirit that we can ‘walk a journey’ together without anyone expecting the other to change, but just walking, talking, and seeing where the path leads.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
October 19, 2010, 10:53

Hi Mel

Good for you!

I think both sides need to maintain a spirit of openness to difference and not lose all power of reasoning. Some of the pro gay stuff around scripture is as silly as the anti gay dogma and does us no good. There needs to be an ability to listen and engage in intelligent discussion. Neither side has all the answers but both can focus on loving each other. We like to cling to our ideas and doctrine but at the end of the day, they are just ideas and will pass away. Love is one of the only things that is eternal. The rest will just dissolve or be forgotten.

One of the people I work with is a pentecostal Christian. When she found out I was lesbian, she immediately identified her Christian background. (It was like she was coming out in another way!) My heart sank as I expected the usual condemnation. Instead she tentatively admitted that she had been taught homosexuality was wrong but she was unsure and not in a place to judge. She also said there were a lot of other things to focus on in the world and that this area seemed to be targetted in way that was unfair to LGBT. The way she said it communicated openness to other thoughts and concern for social justice which I respected. I also liked that it seemed like her own genuine response and not one that had been pre-programmed into her by the church. She was concerned as to whether I was offended by her response and that meant a lot to me too. I was not offended and I said I didn’t mind that we had different views. I said I appreciated her open mindedness and that’s how I like to approach others’ differences too. I felt happy with the outcome, believing we’ve come closer as a result of this interaction. There was something real about it and it doesn’t matter to either of us that we’re in different places.

I’d love it if this way of being was more widely applied by both anti gay and pro gay groups. Even those terms need to be abandoned because they represent polar opposites that have a tendency to exclude other positions. Both need to be moving toward a more moderate ground that recognises commonalities rather than differences.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2007
October 19, 2010, 11:44

Oh, just to add from a personal perspective. Just a couple of days ago, I came out to another Christian friend and her response was that she didn’t feel it was her place to judge, and that even though she doesn’t understand homosexuality, she didn’t think that it was the worst of all possible things, and she still accepts me as I am. That was very sweet of her, and I reassured her that it is okay for her not to understand. Her not understanding isn’t offensive to me and I don’t necessarly need people to understand so much as I need them to accept that my coming out to them doesn’t mean I am suddenly a different person than I was a moment ago.

She seemed relieved by that answer, so perhaps you could cover that in your talk, Mel? We don’t expect straight people to understand, but we do want them to still accept us and see us for who we are even with the knowledge of our orientation.

Joined in 2009
October 19, 2010, 13:50

Hi Mel,

I listened to AVB give a great talk the other day on the topic you have posted. He spoke about creating a new ‘space’ where christians and the glbt community could dialogue instead of shooting arrows at each other and had some great insights into the tensions between the two groups. He would be a great one to talk with and bounce some ideas off for your sermon.


Joined in 2010
October 19, 2010, 20:11

hi guys

thanks heaps for the comments and myfanwe yes i will definately cover that in my sermon… and ciar i will definately speak to AVB re some ideas that he might have, my goal with this is to tug on the underlying string of compassion that runs within all of us, i believe that is key to opening peoples hearts just enough for them to see that irespective of evrything that devides us we are all gods children. i plan on inviting as many GLBT friends to church on this day as i can in the hopes of showing them and my church that deep down were all the same

will try and post a draft copy when i have it finished for ya thoughts and comments also

thanks again and much love


Joined in 2008
October 19, 2010, 20:47

Hi Mel,

I listened to AVB give a great talk the other day on the topic you have posted. He spoke about creating a new ‘space’ where christians and the glbt community could dialogue instead of shooting arrows at each other and had some great insights into the tensions between the two groups. He would be a great one to talk with and bounce some ideas off for your sermon. 🙂

Hi Ciar,

Thanks for your post. A presentation on this new “space” can be found on the internet at the following link 🙂

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
October 20, 2010, 14:32

nice to know the word is getting out there and inquiries being handled by others.

love your work

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