
Unlocking something inside ...

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Joined in 2006
May 27, 2009, 18:24

Can anyone relate?

I have gone through this from time to time for many years in different seasons i guess.

Since leaving church some 3 years ago I have continued to encounter this same experience from time to time and again right now I am experiencng the following –

A yearning for something to burst out … a passion to do what is inside … For me here where I live, I know no one I can go to to talk about what is going on inside me

and without sharing it all on here, I was just wondering if anyone can relate?

I guess what is different now to ever before is that I feel further away from the christian faith then any other time in my life … not sure if that also means further away from God or not? I mean I just can not submit to a number of teachings/doctrines preached at/taught in church.

But what has been happening to me of recent times, as much as it is as electrifying as ever, as passionate and full of energy as ever, is more confusing now because I do not understand how it can fit as I do not fit into the mould of being the christian man as I use to be or thought I was …..

Joined in 2006
May 27, 2009, 21:09

I can relate to a certain degree but not completely.

You may be away from “the church” and certain doctrine and teaching but it doesnt mean you are away from God 😀 .

Once upon a time there was no bible or churches as such, so it didnt mean people werent believers or away from God because of this. I find that we can place way too much importance on those things and God gets left behind somewhere, Im not saying it isnt important to have those things by saying this, just that by giving so much attention to it, where does God fit in sometimes.(not saying that this is you 😉 )

The person you once were you arent, am I right? You are an openly, honest to people around you Gay man now 8) , how much freedom must there be in you not feeling bound up anymore, you have no chosen secrets before God either, He loves that, what a position to be in, of course its different 😉 , would you say maybe its just a case of finding your feet with God as the new you as opposed to who you were? and your just busting to let it out but not sure how maybe? the you that you know you are in God wants a voice maybe but how, now?

It could be a case of not looking behind also but to the now and ahead and establishing this new r’ship with God as you are now.

I know others who could help you on here.

( I put things out there to try and help somehow 😳 )

Joined in 2006
May 28, 2009, 07:51

thanks Mags

yeh that sums it up pretty well

i guess patience is a virtue i should call up on lol

if indeed He wants me to do anything He will make the way, pointing it out for me


Joined in 2006
May 28, 2009, 10:59

Oh yeh Tez 😀 patience our best friend ❓ 😯 😉

Ive found that most of the time we are smack in the middle of where he wants us and pours forth from us from there 😉

The hardest place to be I found, was when he had me in a place of rest and communion with him (unfortunately it didnt mean rest from work 😆 ) just a place where he could breath growth and renewed r’ship all over me again and it was an awesome place, so much intimacy worship and affirmation from him 😀 , he will put the people you need around you, I guarentee it 😉 , even brocolli ones for added strength 😆 .

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
May 28, 2009, 17:37

wish you were in Sydney……there would be 30 to 40 guys you could connect with and chat. Bring on the Brisbane chapter i say.

Every month when we get together people talk and talk and talk and talk. I just sit back in amazement.

I can say 000000 that I had a very profound spiritual experience back in 1998. I’ve often said it was like being born again again. It wasn’t the same though as it drove me back to embrace my christian beliefs as opened me up to a whole no way of being and knowing. Beliefs were redefined…..some stayed the same. Most of all I found purpose and direction in my life. Where I am today is a result of that spiritual experience. Church was secondary. I’m not anti church……just know my relationship with God is not determined about where or how often I go.

BTW… least you get to talk with us online……that has to count for something.

Joined in 2006
May 28, 2009, 20:23

yes exactly, that is why i brought it up on here

you guys are my only solace on all this

tho the kids are a bit excited for me they can not understand what i am talking about lol

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
May 28, 2009, 23:40

thank god for the internet. Had it been available to me back in 1991 some of my choices would have been different for sure

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