
Where do I start?

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Joined in 2012
May 28, 2012, 08:13

Thank you so much Rev Matt. It was quite overwhelming at the May meeting. I have many questions, however am a very reserved person. To put myself out there, scares me. I have built up many barriers and walls to protect myself. I think slowly I will break this down, given a bit of time. Thank you so much for your reply to my post, I greatly appreciate it. Michelle

Rainbow Girl
Joined in 2011
June 2, 2012, 18:51

Hi Mish,

Well done for being so brave. You've come to the right place, and couldn't be in better hands, as you need a supportive group of people around you.

I have recently ventured out of the closet (my story is Coming out at 51).

I can't imagine how difficult it must've been for you and I hope you meet someone who is going to love you completely and treat you well. I have found that being in a loving relationship with a woman who loves you is amazingly beautiful.

And if you're not looking for a 'someone special', I hope and pray you will love and accept yourself … which is the most important thing of all.

I encourage you in your journey.

Rainbow Girl

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