
Freedom 2 b[e] Board Update - Treasurer required

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
May 7, 2010, 14:50

We have had some changes to Freedom 2 b[e]’s board lately.

Towards the end of last year we were thrilled that Des Penny accepted a position on the board but unfortunately with his move to Sydney and business commitments felt he couldn’t continue and resigned the beginning of February. We are very grateful for Des’s and his company Proteus for their assistance in making our 4th Anniversary Dinner such a success.

Our wonderful treasurer Paul Svensen, after a number of years of service to the organization, has also had to resign because of the demands of his business. Paul has been a member of the board since its inception and for a number of years Paul was also the Secretary as well as regularly contributed financially to the organisation. Thank you Paul for your commitment and your valued contributions over the last four years.

So we are particularly in need of a treasurer NOW! Details below.

Also, if you feel a passion for the organization, want to make a contribution and have skills that would contribute to the growth of Freedom 2 b[e] then we would love to hear from you.


Current board members include Co-Convenors Anthony Venn-Brown and Linda Cropley, Alan Hough (Public Officer/Secretary) and Michelle Kolev.

Would you serve as Treasurer of Freedom 2 b[e]?

Expressions of interest are invited from people resident in any State to take on this role.

We are looking for an enthusiastic person who understands how to keep financial records and generate reports. It would be great if you were qualified in accounting, but that is not essential. We always seek as board members people who are passionate about the work of Freedom 2 b[e], are able to work as part of a team, able to think strategically, and have the time to do the job well. This is a volunteer role, and no salary is paid.

If you do not already have access to financial software such as Quicken, we would provide it to you.

What’s involved? The Treasurer has both financial and general responsibilities.

Financial responsibilities are:

• meeting requirements of Treasurers under the Associations Incorporation Act (NSW)

• keeping the books and preparing financial reports on a monthly basis, including profit and loss statement and balance sheet, and

• liaising with the auditor with the annual audit.

General responsibilities are:

• in agreement with the Freedom 2 b[e] mission, objectives and leadership guidelines

• meeting requirements of Directors under the Associations Incorporation Act (NSW)

• participating in our monthly board meetings, which are held using Skype (you need to have a home internet connection)

• participating in an annual face-to-face meeting (moderate costs will be reimbursed for those outside Sydney)

• completing any assignments given by the board

• maintaining current knowledge about the work of the Freedom 2 b[e], and

• attending Freedom 2 b[e] functions as your circumstances allow.

The minimum time commitment for this role is 4 hours per month.

Most board members choose to demonstrate their support for the work of Freedom 2 b[e] by being generous in spirit, time and financial support.

For more information, contact Anthony or our Secretary, Alan Hough, on 0407 132.848 or [email protected] .

Alan Hough

PO Box 642, Botany PO Boxes, NSW 1455 Australia

(79A Bay Street, Botany 2019)

02 9341.7797 – 0407 132.848

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