
10,000+ posts on the freedom2b[e] forum

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Joined in 2008
May 19, 2010, 22:14

We have recently achieved a significant milestone here on the freedom2b[e] forum.

10,000+ posts

This demonstrates that we are making a positive difference in the lives of LGBTIQ people with the help of our straight supporters. Thank you to everyone who contributes to make the forum such a success story!

Chapter Leader
Joined in 2008
May 19, 2010, 22:40

Fantastic achievement. Congratulations to Anthony and web-designers and moderators – past & present.

It probably sounds trite, but I would say “only eternity knows the true outcome of all the work and all the postings”

Joined in 2010
May 19, 2010, 23:05



Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
May 24, 2010, 02:31

….and over 3000 visits each month now………lots of readers……lots of lurkers……would love to hear more from some of you/them…..some times it feels like we are having conversations amongst a few and every one else is ease dropping…..but I do recognise its important for some to listen in anonymously on our conversations…….as this might be one of the few times they can really hear people talk about these things in a rational and positive way..

I just got this message on facebook from a person in Algeria……..I’ve suggested he come here for support.

Hello Anthony,

My name is …………………… I come from Algeria. I read your biography on facebook and I wanted to send you a message to tell you that you have given me hope for my personal struggles with being a homosexual. My country persecutes homosexuals, and for all my life I have felt there was something wrong with me, as I am attracted to men. I have fought against all odds for the freedom to express my sexuality.

Thank you for adding me as a friend, talk to you soon.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
May 24, 2010, 03:07

FYI….this are the keywords people are using to find us.

Visits/Keyword Left hand number are the numbers of people who came to our site using the search word next to it.

84 freedom 2b(e)

77 freedom2b

63 adrian rowse anthony venn brown

49 luckysky

42 freedom2be

33 brian baker

31 freedom to be

30 pastor christopher page melbourne

24 freedom 2b[e]

23 freedom 2 b[e]

22 rob buckingham email

21 freedom 2 be

19 freedom 2be

19 gay christian

14 daniel batt””

12 homosexuality hillsong

8 sy rogers

6 gay friendly christian churches

4 coming out to christian parents

4 freedom 2b

3 alan hough””

3 anti-gay”” church surry hills

3 clobber passages in the bible

3 fish and chips games

3 freedom 2 b

3 freedom 2 be melbourne


3 needs of transexual female in sydney

3 six clobber passages from the bible

2 brian baker”” pastor

2 clobber passages””

2 acc policy on divorce and remarriage

2 craig hoyle

2 do gay man falling love with woman

2 ex-gay australia

Any interesting observations about the keywords people are using???????

Joined in 2008
June 1, 2010, 20:48

The word “freedom” certainly does appear a lot in that list 😉

What a wonderful thing it is to be free of all our guilt, shame, torture etc etc etc 🙂

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