
29 Male ,catholic, gay, not out

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man in confusion
Joined in 2009
October 27, 2009, 16:06

Hello All..I am new to this forum.I got to this site through Anthony..My story in very short: I am 29 year old, catholic, single, middle eastern man.I am to work as medical practitioner in near future in Australia.Living in NSW.I had the same gender attraction since teenage and thought it would fade with time as i grow older but that did not happen.Conversely, it grew larger.I did sexual acts twice my entire life in secret and regretted it alot..I am in confusion cos i can not combine being faithful christian and gay ,nor combining being a medical practitioner and gay man..i am praying to Jesus that this curse or evil spirit of homosexuality to be dismissed to hell but no responce till the moment.I now realize that i can not handle the subjext alone ,and feeling shy is adding to my problem alot, but to be treated within christianity frame.I am till now in delemma but hoping that i would understand how to grow out of it and helping others indeed..Love you all.


Joined in 2007
October 27, 2009, 19:22

Thanks for sharing with us Lazzy. I hope that you can find the help that you need on this forum and by talking with us and sharing on here.

Joined in 2008
October 27, 2009, 21:56

Hello Lazzy, thank you for joining us here! We are all here to help and support you during this journey you are undertaking. 🙂 I’m sure that we here at F2b all want you to know that God loves you no matter what and that your attraction to men doesn’t repulse God in the slightest. He already knew before he even made you that you were going to be gay and he still loves you! Let that truth sink into your heart and don’t ever let anyone, even those professing to be Christians, take that knowledge of God’s love away from you.

Now it’s understandable that you would have a lot of confusion on this issue. Most people are largely in the dark about this subject and the facts are not as out there as they need to be. But we here at F2b are here to support you as you learn about and wrestle with these issues. Please keep in touch and remember we are here to help you. 🙂

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
October 27, 2009, 23:50

hi lazzy welcome to our forum and joining many people who have been on the same journey we have been on. Possibly your background and culture has influenced heavily the way you feel about your sexual orientation.

Have you read much scientific research on sexual orientation.

Here is the process I went through.

1. In the early 1960’s I thought I was a criminal because homosexuality was a criminal offence. that law was revoked in NSW in 1984.

2. I thought I was mentally ill and went to a psychiatrist in 1968 because mental health professionals didn’t take homosexuality off the list of mental disorders till 1973.

3. I thought I was possessed by evil spirits and went through ‘exorcisms’ but I now realise that was more about hyperventilation than demons.

4. Then I thought it was because I was just a bad weak person who couldn’t control himself.

All that negative thinking did bad things to my sense of self.

I came out in 1991… I realise that my morality is a choice but my sexual orientation isn’t. I’m not sick or evil……I’m gay, live a good life…and have faith in God…….I hope we can help you along your journey to find peace and resolution.

Joined in 2008
October 29, 2009, 20:14

Hi Lazzy and welcome to Freedom2b[e]. I can understand how you feel about how others might perceive you, including your future patients, as a gay medical professional. If we let other people forcibly dictate to us how we should live our lives, then we lose our sense of self-esteem and self-worth …

Ultimately it is ourselves and our faith in God who should decide what is best for us … not necessarily another individual and/or group of people …

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
October 29, 2009, 21:15

hey lazzy….I’ll put you on the sydney freedom 2 b[e] newsletter list so you know about our meeting on friday 6th……and also respond to your email shortly.

then you’ll have all the details. You get to meet a number of the guys here on the forum as well.

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