
40+ former pastor - how did I get trapped in this closet and should I even try to get out?

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Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
June 21, 2010, 23:16

That’s lovely, avb. Thank you! 🙂

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
June 22, 2010, 00:17


Joined in 2010
June 22, 2010, 07:21


Derek Walcott

Thanks AVB, and Ian

I’ll happily take all the encouragement I can get at the moment :).

I drive about an hour to work each day and yesterday found myself praying….mmmm….I know this should be normal but its been awhile since I ‘just’ prayed…not ‘church prayer’ or ‘I’m in a desperate moment’ prayer or even ‘someone has a need’ prayer…just prayer – spontainious, joyful.

To be truthful it beats the hell out of anxiety and fear! :bigsmile:

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
June 22, 2010, 14:19

I believe that might be called communion with God…… 0:)

Joined in 2010
June 23, 2010, 22:38

I believe that might be called communion with God…… 0:)

Thanks AVB. Its been awhile since I have experienced that… i know it is just a beginning but its nice to have a beginning of something.

Writing out my thoughts has been a great help in my sorting out what I am thinking / feeling / deciding to do.

Still a lot of things to sort out but I am moving in the right direction. Thank you to everyone who has replied to my posts or who have shared their story here…every story has helped in some way.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
June 23, 2010, 23:16

You’re doing a great job, jayz. 🙂


Ann Maree

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