
Any Teachers?

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Joined in 2007
November 11, 2007, 08:23

I have trained to be a secondary teacher but didn’t end up in the school system. However – I’ve been providing private one-on-one music tuition for over 22 years and some of my first students are now parents and may yet send musical grandchildren back to me 🙂

I’m not out to my current students or their parents … a lot of whom are from the Christian community and I agree with Mark/ Raskdog – it’s because of the current stupid connection between gays and paedophelia. I’m great with children – and what really %@#$&* me off is that my gender identity would be used to call into question my trackrecord and skills and expertise of being an effective music teacher.

I know that if I were to ‘come out’ now – I’d better be prepared to lose 70-80% of my current student base. However – there’s nothing stopping me from disclosing to appropriate over-18 ex-students I suppose – and I may do so if I feel the situation warrants it. Just got to be prepared for the grapevine ramifications.

Joined in 2007
November 11, 2007, 12:22

I commend you all for your courage and strength to be you and let others persume or decide for themselves. Especially you Maggie B, hold your head high and be yourself. Your kindness and warmth will challenge others.

There are plenty of ways for me to protect myself as a homosexual in the education system with regards to pedaphilic accusation. I never let myself alone with a student of either sex. Discipline is always collaborative or within earshot of other staff – at least one. It’s often more effective in this climate where students ‘know their rights’ anyway.

SteveTL, it is painful to contemplate that ‘coming out’ to your students would suffer your career as a music teacher. I have felt the effect of that pain. My last school was my first year out, and I definatly proved my worth in that school. My bottom year 10 English class had complete turn around in attitude, and I had students spread right up the scale in the final marks at the end of the year, some surpassing those in the advanced class.

It was a hard year for me, I came out to my parents (which went really well) and many of my friends adjusted their distance and had to come to terms with sexuality in their own way. Later on, I believe some have made some real progress in coming to understand me as a person.

I really enjoy my teaching and plan to stick at it for a while yet. I hope that if there are others out there in our community who are gifted as teachers but have reservations because of political, religious or social views others hold towards them, that they may find a journey to healing so they can take up their calling and help to shape this generation. God knows these kids need good role models and people who genuinely care about them. We have to do this for the kids, no matter how hard it is for us.

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