
Australia's largest 'ex-gay' ministry announces it will close down

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Youth Coordinator
Joined in 2008
March 20, 2014, 10:05

Hi all,

Some great news this week as Sydney based 'ex-gay' ministry Living Waters has announced that it will close down by the end of June. Gay Star News have written an article which includes some quotes from f2b co-founder Anthony Venn-Brown. You can read the article here:

The closure of ministries and programs like Living Waters makes the work that freedom2b does so much more important. We need to ensure that we are communicating effectively with churches and Christian organisations to let them know that we exist and that we offer support to LGBTI people in churches who are struggling to reconcile their faith and sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

Many of us have been through similar programs and therapies and had negative experiences. What are your thoughts on the closure? What can we do to support those who are still in Living Waters and don't believe that they can be gay and Christian?

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