
Being Burned: Now I Understand

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Joined in 2011
February 12, 2011, 20:57

So, straight off the bat, no I haven’t been burned by the church… Yet… But this post is more aimed at the realisation I’ve come to on how easy it is to be burned. For a while I’ve had this belief that when people were “burned by the church”, it was because of *their* attitude, *their* inability to see past their own faults, *their*… I think you get the picture. And for some people, it may be true. However, more and more lately I’ve come to realise that that’s not always the case, that sometimes it’s actually the way the church (either corporately or the individual person) who causes the burning, through not handling something the right way, or not having the answers, or… Again, you get the picture.

The problem is that both sides are human/consisting of humans, and as humans are inherently flawed, well… For me, what brought this realisaton on was when a few of my Christian friends expressed their opinions on my choice to accept who I am, and live that out. Don’t get me wrong: EVERYONE is entitled to their own opinion, and to express it thoughtfully. When that opinion however is shoved (or seemingly shoved) in your face and down your throat, then I have a problem. We all need to accept that just because someone’s opinion differs from ours, it doesn’t mean they’re wrong.

Due to some of the opinions I’ve come across lately, I was giving serious consideration to walking away from the church, and from God. If you know me at all, you would know that that is a big thing for me, and that I also mean “serious” thought… Thankfully, with the help of my LG leader and some of the boys, as well as Freedom 2 B[e], I’ve managed to avoid that scenario. It has, though, brought me a greater understanding of how people get burned, and why they turn their backs. I know that the church (again corporately and individually) won’t always deal with things correctly, and that’s part and parcel of being human. What I hope though, is that people can break out of their small mindsets and reach out a hand of love, not of condemnation, show some compassion and understanding of the pain and hardship endured (if not necessarily the circumstance), and start to be His hands and feet to *all* peoples, taking His LOVE with you. If we can do that, it’ll be a start on the road to a happier place…

(Please understand, I’m not trying to convert… I’m merely expressing my opinion…)

I would love to hear your thoughts and feelings on this.

Joined in 2008
February 12, 2011, 22:17

Hi Jarryd,

Thanks for taking the time to express some of your thoughts about people (LGBT or otherwise) being burned by the church and/or religion in general.

Throughout the ages there have always been differences of opinion on various issues between individuals and institutions such as the church. Homosexuality being just one of those. History is full of examples where people have been treated less than favourably because they were different and/or did not conform to the expected norm of the institution. From my own experience I was part of a church that has a doctrine that is considered radical and outside of mainstream thinking which forbids certain activities such as homosexuality.

The great thing about freedom2b[e] is we have no agenda. We are part of the diversity of the human existance that will ocassionally encounter differences in beliefs, opinions and values. And we respect the right of other people to have those. As you will see from other posts on this forum we always encourage and engage in conversation and dialogue that upholds our no agenda statement.

Yes people do unfortunately get burned by the church however most of the reasons can be traced back to ignorance, misinformation, misconceptions, preconceptions and myths. As we journey on in life we will eventually come across people and situations that have differing beliefs and values to our own. I agree that more compassion, love, acceptance and understanding for each other, particularly about sexual orientation, is much needed today.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
February 12, 2011, 22:40

Hi Jarryd

Yes I agree – it is easy to be burned. And in my previous church we were always told that those who left or who were asked to leave were the trouble makers. It was never stated as the other way around. If we even entertained that it was a leadership problem, that was considered wrong, that we were going “against the vision of the church” or “against leadership” and therefore God’s order of things. When my husband and I were chucked out after a list of false accusations were brought up against him, we realised that others before us had also been unfairly treated and we had done nothing to help them. We suffered quite a bit of guilt and grief that we’d believed the leadership lie. And then when we sought help from another church and approached the pastor to talk about what had happened, he switched off. He’d already made a negative judgment about us because there was a boys’ club amongst the local pastors in that community. So they protected their own rather than listening objectively and helping those who were being/been abused.

I had panic attacks and nightmares and couldn’t go near a church without crying for many years afterwards. And it was difficult to talk about the spiritual abuse because people and Christians don’t have a great understanding of it. I pushed myself to go to some churches for a while but never settled and then when I awakened to my sexuality, this was rejected by pastors. I was heart broken but found other supports because I had to.. And after a while I outgrew the church to incorporate other teachings outside Christianity. I’m happy to say that now I no longer feel the need to go to church like I did before and actually believe I’m better off without it.

That said, I’m always glad to hear of the growing acceptance in churches toward those in our community and also the various types of support that people receive from quite a few churches. I also agree with you that more love is needed to be expressed toward all people.


Ann Maree

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
February 13, 2011, 13:59

its good we have the safe space here to discuss things like this Jarryd.

yep…..people get burned…..for a whole lot of reasons.

  1. fear

  2. Ignorance

  3. prejudice

  4. cultural issues

  5. peoples personal issues

  6. power and control

  7. arrogance and judgment

  8. human beings acting badly

What i find interesting is that all this goes on also in community organisations and in corporate life.

of course we expect things to be different in the church…….they are usually better……but still dealing with human beings.

I think in lifes journey one can’t help but get burned by something or someone. The burning is not the issue. It is the way we respond.

i still believe what I used to preach. “In life we either become bitter or better. Our response to life’s circumstances determine which one we become”

I would be totally justified to be bitter and resentful towards the Assemblies of God who abandoned me… friends who betrayed me…..but I chose to forgive. They still live with the wrong until they say sorry. For the last 20 years I have been free.

Chapter Leader
Joined in 2008
February 13, 2011, 21:18

Somewhere in the middle of all the confusion and conflict and communication we call “church” and “Christianity”, is that kernal of truth about God and faith and commitment/contact.

Problem is, we fallible human beings have – over many centuries – surrounded that kernal with just so much ‘packaging’ (structures, interpretations, worship styles, different points of emphasis, etc., etc.).

I’ve learnt to accept and enjoy the ‘packaging’ I like – but not at the expense of losing that ‘kernal of truth’.

Most of the anti-gay attitudes and beliefs and pronouncements held by Christians are just part of their packaging and based on ignorance – after all, they haven’t been on (are not on) the journey of enlightenment/understanding we are on.

Don’t give up on God even if some of the surrounding human packaging is fake or faulty.

Joined in 2007
February 15, 2011, 20:56

Hi all,

It has been an interesting journey for me as a Christian. I guess you could say that I am blessed with being Deaf in that I was protected from all these issues. My Deafness acted like a shield for me and enabled me to live my life as a Christian and being Gay.

I love it when people say “but you don’t look so gay” makes me chuckle a little. I wonder if I gave the male counterpart a full mouth washing kiss might just do the trick. I think I’d be litterally burnt on the stake for that. Seriously though… it does depend on one’s own conviction and strenght of your own ability to stand firm.

These days I can spin the conversation around and get them to see what they just did which goes against the bible. I think by being polite and considerate, it helps people to know that what they did or how they reacted was human and they didn’t demonstrate God’s unconditional love.

I left Hawkesbury to go to Liverpool because I sense a shift in my direction, although I have been welcomed back at Hawkesbury. They don’t know that we are “Gay”. Liverpool Deaf Church knows that we are “Gay” and they struggle with it… I just make it real and that they are not demonstrating the real unconditional love and I said to them I have unconditional love for them that I don’t hold what they were or are doing against them. In the process I decided that I wanted to be a Catholic just to annoy Liverpool Church (chuckles) but seriously to raise the bar in spiritual understanding under the Deaf Catholic Community. I took on St Francis of Assisi’s name, I feel at peace with myself and I enjoy my life as a Catholic.

Being burnt doesn’t have to happen. Its about making a choice and sticking by it and I tell people if they have problems, to take it to God and then discuss it with some common sense and of course, with unconditional love. I have choosen not to accept rudeness in my life, and I expect people to discuss the matter on grounds of respect. If that does not happen, I’m happy to say good night and when people of the bible can be a bit more respectful and considerate that we can discuss with calmness and work through the issues.

Via F2B which is a fabulous site on its own, I have this strong conviction about my sexuality and I am really comfortable with who and what i am. I know God’s unconditional love and I stand by that. To be burnt – by Church. Its just gutless on their part. I guess I’d say that I forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing and I pray for God’s mercy and unconditional love (I talk about God’s unconditional love alot these days eh?). 🙂

At Hawksbury I saw special visitors who came and preached say really awful things about Gay people… I never see him again. My prayer was that God take the responsibility off them because they failed to show God’s unconditional love and the fact that they were actually harming God’s children wtih so untruth.

When I was an LDS (I’m still a member of that church too) there was a person of a high position that demanded the sign language interpreters to sit on chair on the floor below the speakers making is difficult for Deaf people to watch interpreters and the speaker. I confronted that with a publication which included a photo of the president and the interpreter standing next to the person signing.

I also said that if they did not behave in a good faith and in good manners, that God will take it off them. I also said that sometimes God goes to extreme measures to correct the issue, he just might take them home at some point in their lives and enables us to move forward. This person went away, and the interpreter was back on the stage with the speakers… he shown up unannouced one Sunday and demanded the interpreter to be put back on the floor … I was annoyed and I prayed. Next Sunday the Bishop asked if he could talk wtih us… sure no problem… we went into the offic e with the Bishop and he said that brother so and so went to Tonga and had a heart attack and passed away. I told him that I was not surprise because that’s what happens when one abuses its own powers that were not God given and it would only be natural that God had to take some extreme measures to take him home.

LIkewise the people who are hard to move on Gay issues, I just look at God and say “you are in control”, “thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven”. I might have a crack at it and it depends on their response that I will confront and move on from that. I never take anything personal. They have a responsibility under God and I just hand it over to him.

That is not to say that Im a strong person of all means… I;m not… I just refuse to allow anyone the opportunity to behave in a deplorable manner that they will regret at a later stage.


May God bless and shine his Unconditional love on you all.


Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
February 16, 2011, 20:32

Hi forestgrey,

You wrote:

Somewhere in the middle of all the confusion and conflict and communication we call “church” and “Christianity”, is that kernal of truth about God and faith and commitment/contact.

Problem is, we fallible human beings have – over many centuries – surrounded that kernal with just so much ‘packaging’ (structures, interpretations, worship styles, different points of emphasis, etc., etc.).

I’ve learnt to accept and enjoy the ‘packaging’ I like – but not at the expense of losing that ‘kernal of truth’.

Most of the anti-gay attitudes and beliefs and pronouncements held by Christians are just part of their packaging and based on ignorance – after all, they haven’t been on (are not on) the journey of enlightenment/understanding we are on.

Don’t give up on God even if some of the surrounding human packaging is fake or faulty.

I very much like your thinking. 🙂 That’s beautiful and very spiritually mature. Thank you forestgrey.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2007
February 16, 2011, 21:15

Somewhere in the middle of all the confusion and conflict and communication we call “church” and “Christianity”, is that kernal of truth about God and faith and commitment/contact.

Problem is, we fallible human beings have – over many centuries – surrounded that kernal with just so much ‘packaging’ (structures, interpretations, worship styles, different points of emphasis, etc., etc.).

I’ve learnt to accept and enjoy the ‘packaging’ I like – but not at the expense of losing that ‘kernal of truth’.

Most of the anti-gay attitudes and beliefs and pronouncements held by Christians are just part of their packaging and based on ignorance – after all, they haven’t been on (are not on) the journey of enlightenment/understanding we are on.

Don’t give up on God even if some of the surrounding human packaging is fake or faulty.

I really like your perspective too, Forestgrey. :bigsmile: It really resonates with me around my perspective of my core belief in God and the central place he has in my life as opposed to the negatives – the judgement / ignorance that are expressed by many within the Christian Churches.

I also particularly like AVB’s comment – “In life we either become bitter or better. Our response to life’s circumstances determine which one we become”. So true!

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
February 17, 2011, 00:34

don’t you just love this space we have created.

Joined in 2007
March 13, 2011, 13:12


yeah Anthony, I do love the space we create… its just so good to be back home.



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