
closed christian brothers and sisters

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Joined in 2011
May 9, 2011, 17:00

This topic is not intended to be critical But! i have experienced a closed mind set to men and women coming to grips with their sexuality in churches or by christian friends and family who are very strong in their belief structures re gay and lesbian people.

The reason why i said this is not a critical attack upon those christians as i used to be one of them very ill informed, un educated relating to this issue and i feel sad when i reflect back on my attitude and treatment of those precious gay and lesbian people that i treated as a sub human life form.

Now i am gay i say than God i am no longer like that but! want to be there for gay and lesbians.

Anyone else had this experience?


Joined in 2006
May 9, 2011, 19:02

Thanks for sharing this Freeme 🙂

I became a christian and “left” my homosexual orientation behind…….so i thought LOL im definately out now quite a few years but I understand what youre saying, i did the condemning the other way round tho, once i got saved i looked at my past orientation and gays as wrong and bad, i fell into the ill informed trap and blind following without credible ground, not nice at all……….now i am free as a lesbian christian and my heart is to be there to help as much as i can when i can if possible……..theres always help needed here at F2b 😉

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
May 9, 2011, 21:48

I think most of us can raise our hands about that Free me. Closed minded. Uneducated. Ill-informed etc etc. …..and we were gay. It was our gayness and that forced us to learn either through reading or experience.

The trick is ….how do we get straight christians to become more informed…….when it really isn’t their issue.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
May 9, 2011, 21:53

Hi freeme

I was more closed, fearful and ill informed about a lot of things. I don’t recall the LGBT subject being something I was really aware of back in my church days but I was certainly less compassionate toward those on the fringes than I am now.

It’s encouraging when I hear Christians and others who are open minded even when they’re not sure about LGBT stuff. Thank God this is becoming more and more common now. 🙂


Ann Maree

Joined in 2011
May 9, 2011, 23:16

Hi everyone,

Thanx for all ur comments and feedback to my post it is great to hear all the different perspectives on things and different takes on issues.

Variety is the blood of the Divine that flows through His own veins.

Joined in 2010
May 11, 2011, 20:38

Querido Familia,

I find that those misguided brethren of mine in the church who reject their LGBT brethren are very much like those who are not Christian (or not religious) who reject homosexual persons: the core of their prejudice comes not from a philosophical outlook but from very secular, very human wants.

When I reveal to such brethren that their interpretation is incorrect, that the Bible does not condemn homosexuals, it oftentimes becomes painfully clear that the real reason they reject homosexual persons is because of:

A. Social pressure connected to secular wants.

B. Projection. Anger at the self being directed towards an outside source.

C. Sublimination. Homosexual desires being redirected and masked by an outward hatred.

As you can see, such misguided souls are no different from anyone who is bigoted against LGBTs (or anyone for that matter). They simply wear a different mask.

Yours in Christ,


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