
Conference News. Past Exodus Leaders Apologise

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
July 26, 2007, 19:48

i think its interesting that this is happening now. I was already underway with this and actually took printed apologies with me to the conference in LA……imagine my suprise to find out they were doing the same thing.

Joined in 2006
July 26, 2007, 19:54

wow…….now thats amazing, if that isnt timing and the hand of God I dunno what is )

Joined in 2006
July 27, 2007, 22:10

god’s still working in ways mysterious. this is all so encouraging.

Joined in 2007
August 20, 2007, 14:11

I often wonder how long will these gay ministries will go on for, hurting people like myself, I am talking about Living Waters, controlled by Ron Brookman. And Purple Heart Ministries controlled by Debra Hersh.

They might be nice people, but how long will the mess go on within the christian fraith I wonder?………..

Joined in 2006
August 20, 2007, 14:58

The ex-gay aspect of these ministries it seems are going to take a while yet to turn, but the wave of change has started, hopefully it wont be too long now that they will see and embrace homosexuality as an orientation and not an abomination.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
August 20, 2007, 18:18

I like that line maggie

homosexuality is an orientation and not an abomination.

can i use it?

Joined in 2006
August 20, 2007, 21:04

Yes by all means. )

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
September 10, 2007, 13:14

I often wonder how long will these gay ministries will go on for, hurting people like myself, I am talking about Living Waters, controlled by Ron Brookman. And Purple Heart Ministries controlled by Debra Hersh.

They might be nice people, but how long will the mess go on within the christian fraith I wonder?………..

hey Matt……for some reason I missed your post.

My hope is that we are slowly deconstructing the myths the ex-gay ministries continue to promote.

1. If you are attracted to the same sex you are somehow broken of flawed

2. You can be cured of your homosexuality

3. You can become a ‘normal’ hetersexual and being married to someone of the opposite sex proves it.

To dismantle these myths we must tell our truth. The evidence is overwhelming if we put it out there. thats why I collated these stories and arranged for them to be posted around the internet.

It would really help if you were prepared to write your story and put it in the telling our stories section.

Would you be willing to do that?

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