
Did you know this is what actually started Freedom2b

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Joined in 2005
March 20, 2015, 23:47

WOW – doesnt seem like 10 years ago.

It was June 24th 2005 – when a Forum was setup for QLD Pride – Organised by Alan Hough and Phill Wall – with one of the speakers being Anthony Venn Brown. The organisers (Alan and I) thought that if we got 10 people we it would have been a success.

In fact – we had people sitting on stairs OUTSIDE of the hall because they couldnt fit in. It spoke of an overwhelming issue that wasnt being addressed,

It was following day – whilst walking through QLD Pride Festival after Marching – -that Anthony Venn Brown and Phill Wall – discussing the unexpected response to the forum – decided that a safe place for these people were needed – and thus – Freedom2b was born.

This was the article in the press about the Forum that started it all

Brisbane forum on religious right

One hundred and twenty five people gathered in Brisbane in June to discuss the impact of the Christian Right on the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and intersexed (LGBTI) people. The event was part of the Brisbane Pride Festival. Held at the Queensland Positive People Centre, every last space was taken, with some in the audience having to stand.

Paul Martin, a Brisbane-based psychologist, spoke about his experience in the AOG. As a young man, he tried to reject his sexuality. He joined Exodus, the so-called "ex-gays" group. Paul talked about the moment of realization when he understood that as a gay person he could experience "the fruits of the spirit", rather than self-hatred and guilt.

The second speaker, Iris Saggers, grew up in the Protestant tradition and during her early adult years attended Baptist and Assemblies of God Churches. She studied for ministry within AOG before she 'came out', when – of course – she had to abandon this path. Iris talked about the alienation and fear which are part and parcel of being gay in a fundamentalist and patriarchal church.

Author Anthony-Venn Brown was the third speaker. Anthony was a travelling evangelist serving AOG churches. In his former role, Anthony preached to congregations of up to 5,000 people and in many countries. All the while, Anthony was struggling with his sexuality. Anthony wrote the book "A life of unlearning: coming out of the Church – one man's struggle" based on his experiences. Anthony shared with the audience excerpts from some of the huge number of emails he had received from readers of the book, who talked about their own struggles. Anthony talked about the irresponsibility of AOG

ministers encouraging gay parishioners to get (heterosexually) married, believing that this would "cure" the person. Of course, these marriages are incredibly damaging to both the man and woman. Interestingly, Anthony still goes to Hillsong, because he wants worshippers to meet a happy gay man – rather than the deeply troubled souls that the church has made so many other gay men.

Although the three speakers came from the Assemblies of God denomination, the point was made that they could have come from virtually any denomination, as all denominations have homophobia. There were many deeply moving moments during the evening. One was provided by local GP Dr Wendell Rosevear, who together with Dr Rachel Collis, was one of the co-chairs of the meeting. Wendell told the meeting of the suicides among his patients that result from internalized and external homophobia.

The hatred promoted by the Christian Right is – literally – killing people.

The event attracted a very diverse audience, including LGBTI people, and their families and friends. A number of prominent heterosexual religious activists also attended. Although the primary purposes of the meeting were sharing information and healing, eight people responded to an invitation to express interest in actions of witness in relation to the Christian Right.

Joined in 2005
March 21, 2015, 09:36

Actually – this got me looking into my records

Freedom2b isnt quite 10 years old yet (but we will be this year)

June 25th 2005 was when the idea came up to form such a group.

The First meeting was held in Brisbane on Friday 7th September – Run by me – with Anthony flying up from Sydney to present and in Sydney on Friday 1st October.

I dont have an exact date to when I finished the Freedom2b website – but thanks to the help of two great guys in Brisbane (who hosted it for us for some time) the first (not so great) version of the freedom2b website was live from early September. Thankfully long ago improved upon but it got us started and kept us going for a number of years.

and of course whilst it took a number of people to conceive, start and create Freedom2b – Anthony Venn brown has always been there from that first forum and original conversation – and has been fabulous as the high profile person we needed. Our First press release – put out by Anthony –

12 September 2005 MEDIA RELEASE


First Group for Gays and Lesbians from Pentecostal and Charismatic Backgrounds to be Launched in Australia”

(and referred to the QLD Pride forum that started it all

The huge success of the Forum on the Impact of Christian Fundamentalism in the GLBTI Community in Brisbane in June showed the great need to help people resolve issues of faith and sexuality. People from Pentecostal and Charismatic circles have particular issues to resolve and FREEDOM has been set up to help these individuals. I believe it is a global first.’ said Venn-Brown. ‘We will be providing support, education and a safe place for people in or who have left Pentecostal/Charismatic churches. This will be done through our website and also monthly meetings in Sydney and Brisbane to start with.

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