
Ex Gay Attempt

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Joined in 2009
January 15, 2011, 10:42

In the 70s, I underwent aversion therapy on the pretext that my sexual orientation would be changed from gay to straight. They placed wires that measured temperature changes on your private parts and then showed you about 1000 pictures of men and 1000 of women over about 10 days. When I was aroused by seeing picture of men, they gave me fairly high voltages of electricity to “punish” me for being gay. In my case, the doctor’s machine never recorded a single thing when I saw all those pictures of nude women. They don’t do the electricity “punishments” anymore, because the published findings of that aversion therapy was that it didn’t work.

If a person claims to have been “cured”, they need to have done three things.

1. Have those body temperature tests done to prove they were gay in the first place.

2. Go out an get “cured” by whatever means.

3. Have those body temperature tests done several times over the next few years and remain silent, and let the doctors say if the person has had their orientation changed.

I asked the doctor how many had had their sexual orientation changed from gay to straight, and he said that over all the years they had done it while some who had wanted to change their behaviour had done so, (wait for it) NOT ONE had had their sexual orientation. So there is your answer!!

(It would have been interesting to know if they had tried to change some people’s orientation from straight to gay, using the same method, and how successful that was.)

Ex gay programs can do enormous damage that can take years to repair. Please don’t waste your time with them.


In scripture, a eunch is one without an attraction to the opposite sex.

Jesus said in Matt 19:12 “For some are eunchs because they were born that way….The one who can accept it should accept it.” Just accept accept yourself as being gay. Be proud of the way God God created you. Enjoy being gay. It is absolutely fine. God didn’t make any mistakes when He created you.

Joined in 2010
January 15, 2011, 10:57

These are the sorts of stories that aggravate me and make me feel bad for trying to change it. I can’t believe they did that to you. That is so ridiculous. I feel so terrible and please read my apology above.

The ex gay subject has to be the most absurd thing within all of the lgbt hate anyone could be exposed to. This is ludicrous to me. I am so sorry for have ever falsely trying to change my sexual orientation.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
January 15, 2011, 11:44

Hi Jaydwoods

Thanks for your apology. It means a lot that you have reflected and gained some insights about how painful and damaging ex gay experiences are for those in our community.

Try not to punish yourself. We all make mistakes. The main thing is to learn from them and adjust our path – which is what you are doing.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2010
January 15, 2011, 11:55

🙂 Thanks

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
January 15, 2011, 12:27

Hey JaydWoods…….whilst I had misgivings about where you were going with your original goal……..we at freedom 2 b[e] very much respect each individuals right to choose their own journey……even if that means rejecting their sexual orientation or rejecting their faith.

We have all been on various journeys. Hopefully being honest with ourselves and others though is a priority for us all.

your willingness to be honest here, reveal your previous hidden agendas and your sincere apology shows great maturity and strength of character. one can not help but admire you for this.

Much appreciated

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
January 15, 2011, 13:17

Hi again JaydWoods

I heartily second what avb has written above. Well put, avb! 🙂


Ann Maree

Joined in 2010
January 15, 2011, 13:36

Thank you both! I will be looking forward to learning some more about the people here at freedom2b as well as some other forums on the web. =)

Joined in 2007
January 15, 2011, 16:55

JaydWoods, it takes guts to admit when you’ve made a mistake, to own the responsibility for it, and to do your best to make amends. I admire anyone who does that. The important thing is that you have learned something and gained a deeper insight through your experience and that is a good thing. Thank you for your apology.



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