
Four Christian sisters!

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Joined in 2008
January 22, 2008, 23:23

Not long after I began my relationship with Linda I decided to come out to my sisters (one at a time!) It was funny that I thought I would know how they would react, because they are my sisters and I knew them sooo well, but boy was I wrong! The one who is 8yrs older and who has been a Christian for a very long time was always the most diplomatic, compassionate and caring of others turned on me the most! I had told her about Linda and I and at the time she appeared quite calm and collected about it, understandably shocked and surprised, but ok. It was probably a week or so later that she rang me with the threat to out me to my parents. My dad and I have a good relationship and my intent was to tell him first but obviously when I was ready. You see Linda and I had planned a trip away and my parents had agreed to look after my daughters. Well my sister felt that I was forcing them to support my ‘lesbian lifestyle’ without their knowledge and was therefore lying to them. She gave me a 6hr deadline to call them or she would! I was devastated by this and rang another sister ( her twin) with whom I was very close and told her what had happened. She was sympathetic but in agreeance of her actions. Talk about feeling betrayed! 😥 I ended up biting the bullet and calling my father that night. He was so good to me that night. He told me he already knew, I asked him how and he replied ” I’m not blind kid” and also that “your sisters are the last ones who should throw stones.” It was comforting to know that even though he may not like my choice he still supported me. My relationship with that sister is civil at best. We don’t speak much at all. However Linda was on the Christmas card this year! My other 3 sisters are pretty good. They are warm to my lady and that is really nice to see. I think they see me so happy and cannot deny why that is! 😀

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
January 23, 2008, 00:36

one step at a time……..glad you had a sensible dad. Often we go through such truama worrying about how people might react only to discover that they knew all the time.

its certainly never anyone elses right to out us…….but occasionally they force us to do what we have put off.

January 23, 2008, 00:57

I told my sister first when I came out ten years ago because she was very anti-church at the time and I knew she would be accepting and she was. However last year she found God again and is going to an apostolic church. She is starting to tell me things like, “You know God doesn’t approve of that” and, “I’m praying that God will change you”.

Spare me. 🙄

Joined in 2006
January 24, 2008, 18:09

It is kindve sucky when you get outed but parents do usually know. Thank goodness your Dad has been so good. D

I came out to my sister 1st time in 1987, she was shocked and asked lots of questions but was ok and it didnt affect us. This time round( I went in and out o the closet a few times roll ) she isnt so accepting and thinks women cant have any form of satisfactory sex roll lol but anyway we talk but for reasons unknown she cant be happy that Im happy, she finds my g/f a threat from what I have discovered. Its only recently she even looks at her when she is spoken to.

Chapter Leader
Joined in 2006
January 25, 2008, 19:57

Oh Mags you have made me smile about what your sister thinks that woman cant have satisfactory sex!!!!! I better say no more lol

Joined in 2008
January 25, 2008, 20:04

My oldest sister said that as well! Did she really think that as a lesbian my sex life would be unfullfilling! 😛 She thought that if I wasn’t with a man that I would never know true physical pleasure as God intended. Is she trying to convince me, scare me, change my mind or does she really wonder why I am sooo happy? I believe she truely wants to understand and accept my life but is afraid of what her church will think (hillsong!) She gets along with Linda very well and is always warm towards her, it would not be the same reaction if we were to turn up at her church though!

Joined in 2006
January 26, 2008, 13:53

lol Yes best to say no more wink I will just say, its not a when harry met sally moment wink Its for real. 8)

Joined in 2007
January 26, 2008, 20:06

I was reading the other day that around 50% of marriages (the book was written in the 1960’s so only marriages were taken into account) had some form of sexual inadequecy… from impotence to different libidos… scary statistics!! 😥

Joined in 2006
January 28, 2008, 13:44

Yes it is………unfortunately for too long I think at the most the caucasion population was strictly missionary. shock Until the sexual revolution. Other cultures were more liberal and even in secrecy the British (aristocracy)……the church had a big say in what was acceptable in the sexual act……funny they are quick in spitting out how homosexuality is wrong and such refering to leviticus but on a hetero stand point, according to the same law, a man is sinning if he “wastes” his seed in any shape or form, so how do the today believers account for the pill being correct if they are following Gods law completely and make sure that you know that they are as heterosexuals, they arent really.

Joined in 2007
February 1, 2008, 09:03

Hi Michelle

its nice your dad is suportive. my sister and brother wear supportive but over the last few years they seam to have gorn the other way.

the most inportant thing to me is that my parents.

they have sood behind me and have no troubles telling people about me.


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