
friendships lost etc

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Joined in 2007
April 25, 2007, 09:58

An agist thing huh? 😉 Now I want all the details. I’m upset my ageing project (my baby as it has been nicknamed by my friends and family) is going to someone else to finish 😥 But don’t forget to add that comment into your survey when you fill it out Anthony, very interesting.

Joined in 2007
April 25, 2007, 10:53

I am 21 years old… and I have two very strong group of friends back from high school. I went to a private Christian college.

The first group of mates are a bunch of top blokes who would accept me for who I am… as I have always been the group’s eccentric.

My other group of friends… are the Christian mob. I was recently at a 21st birthday and I was confronted by one of my friends as she said I had ‘issues’ that needed to be dealt with… as I found out my ex-girlfriend… who I put a lot of trust into… broke that trust.

It is going to be an interesting week for me.. as this weekend we are all getting together for another 21st birthday…. I wonder if everyone knows by now…. I wonder if they will treat me differently….

I will keep you posted

ANZAC Day Blessings!

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
April 25, 2007, 16:08

knowing the way these things work I doubt that your secret is still a secret. There are very few who can maintain a confidence.

Joined in 2007
April 26, 2007, 12:04

ahh well … at the end of the day i am the same old me.. nothing has changed. its their problem if they have an issue.. not mine.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
April 26, 2007, 12:20

to quote George Michael.

“I’d rather be rejected for who I am than accepted for who I’m not” 🙂 😀

Joined in 2007
April 26, 2007, 15:06

I have had some absolutly harlarious experiences since converting to Christianity. Alot of my Christian friends treat my homosexuality like some forgin substance that they are not quite sure of. I also have a hard time convincing people that I actually am gay. I think it’s pretty funny some of the stereotypoes that Christian people have of gays. To be a lesbian you have to “Dress like a man, smoke like a chimney, drink like a fish and sware…” someone told me… 😆 Another said that she believed all gay people to actually be asexual anyway, because they don’t really have sex, “I mean they can’t…not really….it’s just kissing…right?” By far the most common reaction I have had from women is fear that it is eaither contageous or that I am attracted to them. Maybe not everyone finds these things as funny as I do but we realise that they have no relevance to the actual ‘gay experience’.

On the other hand I think in general I have lost more gay friends by becoming a Christian. Which is more understandable I supose, I believe that their choice not to serve Jesus will led to their death…not exactly a great basis for friendship. The point however is not acceptance as most people think it is. If you as gay Christians go out into the world fighting for acceptance then you are going to be severly disapointed. It is difficult to convert people to the belief that being a ‘practising homsexual’ (sorry anthony, I know you hate that) and being gay is ok with Jesus. But it is much easier to convert people to the idea that you are a human being worthy of love and respect. Tollerance in a Christian sense is not accepting another’s beliefs (esepically when those beliefs contradict your own) but loving them regardless of who is right and who is wrong. This should be the aim.

I have lost friends because they refused to show this tollerance and I have also lost friends because I failed to show tollerance. There are very few if any people in my life that mirror my beliefs exactly, we all have to show tollerance of each other’s views and understanding that it’s ignorance that is the enemy not the actual person we are in conflict with. Both sides of this debate claim that the other is ignorant of the true teachings of Christianity, the point is to lovingly educate each other not slander personalities and choices. I have noticed alot of that comes from an individuals own insecurity about the desicisions they have made and their consequential need to reinforce that view in a public arena and make themselves feel better about the choice by putting others down… how sad is that?

Joined in 2007
April 26, 2007, 20:57

Thanks for sharing! 😀

I needed to hear that!

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
April 26, 2007, 23:35

i think Sandy that there is often a lot of hurt and anger in peoples hearts because of what has happened. some situations trigger it. that doesn’t mean i’m justifying it….just acknowledging that it is.

we are all at different places of resolution……..

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