
Gay in Sporting clubs

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Joined in 2013
June 22, 2013, 08:34

Im a male, 25, and play cricket. Im very passionate about my cricket so much so I'm willing to not come out for risk of ruining my sporting life. At least this is my perceived fear. I would like to know if anyone else has come out to their respective sporting teams and how they dealt with the cultural issues that come with playing in an all male team.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
June 23, 2013, 12:06

Hi allex

Welcome to f2b!

There are definitely gay sportsmen and women who are out and who have received the support of their peers and team members. This is increasingly happening.

Rugby footballer, Ian Roberts comes to mind. Click on the link.

Jason Bell in the Australian football League is another great example and someone who has been lobbying for improved rights for LGBTI in relation to his sport.

There is also a discussion thread featuring Jason in the following link from our News from around the world forum.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2013
June 24, 2013, 18:42


Thank you for your links, my only concern is at the elite level players are protected by strong moral and ethical club administrations and also the public eye.

I am a local player who is not protected by professionalism.

What i hope here is to hear stories of people who are in male dominated sport, amongst less educated people.

Joined in 2005
June 24, 2013, 19:08

Hi there

Im afraid that I didnt come out till a little late for me to comeout in my sporting teams (things HAVE changed a lot !) BUT I did come across this a few months ago – and it might be of interest to you you

My guess is there are probably others on there also !

Certainly Im now out to my bush walking buddies and squash buddies and they are are unperturbbed by it all and some of them are quite devout…. but they arent team sports.

Joined in 2013
June 24, 2013, 23:41

Thank you, that clip really hit home. What an amazing story

Joined in 2005
June 25, 2013, 09:36

Yeah – It stuck with me when I came across it !

A cool guy to do it actually !

Joined in 2013
July 1, 2013, 13:42

Hi, I am completely out as gay and trans in the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia, while there are some real knuckledraggers among them, I have received nothing but acceptance in support in my favourite discipline (3P service rifle) and in fact know of a few other queer members in the same discipline, as well as a few queer clay target shooters. I am allowed to compete as my preferred gender.

I imagine it might feel a bit different in a team sport and while I doubt any club would risk bringing public condemnation by being bigoted, individual team members may feel otherwise. You'd need to anticipate this as well as gentle-natured ribbing and jokes from tolerant and accepting people who are friendly may not know the difference between irreverent pranking and causing offence.

I think the vast majority of sports participants see diversity as beneficial to their community, thus you get many programs tailored to disabled or indigenous people etc thus there shouldn't be as much of a problem for you.

Event Coordinator
Joined in 2009
July 17, 2013, 21:13

Hey mate

Although I am not actively involved playing in sport, I am a mad AFL fan and am involved in some AFL Club Member groups and Facebook groups and a game day support group.

I understand your fear of coming out because the sport/ club your passionate about, the friends you make from would not be the same with you or even though you still do what you do the rejection or ricidule you might encounter is real daunting.

Opportunities to play or be more active , in our thinking., might be in jeorpady.

Most know I am gay and for awhile I was petrified when I came out to a few guys.

Mostly everyone has been cool and supportive and did not treat me any differently. To them I am still the same person. Much relief.

But there were a people, small minority who were a bit funny with it.

Things are changing and getting better and the sports field and the grandsands are becoming more diverse and welcoming and if anything you are respected for being true to yourself.

You come out only and if when you are ready until then enjoy your game but in the meantime surround yourself with other cricketers and cricket fans in your club that you know are safe people and work on your friendships with them, so if and when you come out you will have a support base. Consider perhaps only coming out to a few of such people.

This contribution of mine is a bit scattered lol but hope you found it encouraging.

Oh, go Aussies !!!

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