
Gay Marriage Strengthened society

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Joined in 2005
November 6, 2012, 11:06

Canadian Bishop tells the New Zealanders that Gay Marriage has STRENGTHENED Canadian Society

Rector of Christ Church Anglican Cathedral in Vancouver tells congregation of Dunedin's St Paul's Cathedral that gay marriage has increased respect and tolerance ….. [and that] gay marriage has strengthened Canadian society.

The Very Rev Dr Peter Elliot, Rector of Christ Church Anglican Cathedral in Vancouver was visiting New Zealand from Canada, where same-sex marriage was legalized in 2005.

What do people think about this ???

Joined in 2012
November 10, 2012, 13:17

Can't read the article because my stupid internet provider blocked it (probably because it has 'gay' in it or something idiotic). It sounds good either way. If only more people told the churches gay marriage is not a threat.

I actually burnt 15 CD's with Rob Buckingham's sermon on 'Real Christianity Is Accepting' and I am going to send them to some of the big churches of NZ. The sermon is available for free off iTunes too from 'Bayside Church' itself, but I feel a physical CD for the pastors to play is better. Hopefully that opens some eyes. I just have to find some time to compile a list of big NZ churches that will actually be willing to listen…

Chapter Leader
Joined in 2008
November 12, 2012, 17:18

I suspect that NZ will soon be leading the way in acceptance of LGBTI people . . . thanks to your campaigning. Every little bit helps. I tend to think that a 'softly, softly' approach works best with Christian leaders. God bless ~ david

Joined in 2005
November 13, 2012, 17:47

Jordon – If that link is blocked I would ring up your ISP. It let you see the forum post and that HAS the word Gay in it.

I would ring them up and ASK them why is it blocked. Its Valid news. Its NOT porn or anything so it smacks of censorship.

Ask them why ???

Joined in 2012
November 14, 2012, 05:59

Hey Shadow 😛 yeah I don't know why but the filter is REALLY nuts. Pretty much anything (With a few exceptions like the F2B forums – although even some threads I can't access) with 'gay' in it is labeled as porn (lol).

Even the first few results in google on 'gay marriage' I can't access. It's insane. Ever since my parents upped it to the max rate so we can get faster YouTube streaming, it was gotten worse. Some of the google search page results such as 'gay marriage nz' are blocked – so I send an error report, but even then they take forever to unblock it [sarcasm]because they are REALLY onto it[/sarcasm]. It's so weird lol. I think I can manage, but it's very frustrating.

One last thing… would anyone happen to know some of the biggest/influential churches of NZ? I'm still compiling a list of churches to send the sermon to. I think LIFE churches are big in NZ, though I can't think of any others off the top of my head. No worries if no one knows though 😀 It's sort of like a 'Will get to this at some stage' sort of thing. The urgency of myself doing this sort of died out when I heard that written submissions for the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill by Louisa Wall had closed (And I thought I still had time to send them and potentially get some support from some of the mainstream churches before it closed) – I was absolutely gutted because none of the politicians or media told me 🙁 but regardless, it shouldn't matter when they receive it as long as it opens some eyes to the truth!

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