
"God loves you"

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Joined in 2007
July 27, 2007, 13:47

I want to start this post because there is such a need for it to be discussed openly and honestly. It is something many of us have thought about and no one likes to talk about. I am talking about suicide.

I had no idea f2b even existed when Yowee wrote those words: “I would rather be dead than admit I am gay”, but I had heard them more than once in varied forms from the hearts and mouths of my friends. I even heard “Would you rather I was dead than be myself, be honest?” coming from my own father. What do you do or say to a person contemplating suicide? What can anyone possibly ever say to ease the pain? I wish I knew.

I want to share with you my own experience of contemplating suicide in the hope that my eventual reasons for rejecting it may resound in the minds and hearts of others, that we may have less people echoing Yowee’s cry for help, that we may have less broken hearts and fewer lives lost. I have never told this story before, not to my parents or friends, but it is too importnat not to try and help now, not when lives and faths are at stake, not to share it would be impossibly selfish.

I wonderfully became a Christian in 2006, in doing so however I felt it necessasary to break off a 5 year relationship, a relationship that still holds the place of second best thing ever to happen to me. I was deverstated and so was she, I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest and torn into peices, anxiety attacks were frequent, sleep was impossible, my life was consumed with the loss. About a month into my Christian life I was gang raped by three men. I suffered injuries that could have killed me and put me in hospital for two months, unable to walk, unable to sleep. Unless you have experienced it it is difficult to imagine how dirty you feel after being violated in such a way, how disgusting, infested and rejected. I hated myself, my very skin felt diseased, looking in the mirror was not an option, I thought I’d be doing the world a favour if I killed myself. I was constantly being told from all my friends that God loved me, even my non-Christain father and friends were desprete to ‘cheer me up’ though they had no idea what I was really thinking.

Honestly, if while in hospital I had of had a means to kill myself I would have. I don’t make that declaration lightly with the voice of highdsight. Frtunatly lying in a hospital, barely able to sit up was not an ideal place to do such a thing, but I wished it, I hated myself so much that I would imagine my family and friends rejoicing at the funeral, glad I was gone. All the while people kept telling me how much God loved me, it made no difference, I knew better, God could not love someone like me I was tainted, used and disgusting. In my own mind I ha become the very act that was commited against me. My friend Claire would spend hours at my bedside reading from the bible, after I left hospital she kept up this tradition, she forced me to move in with her and refused to let me give up. Evntually through constant repitition and the work of the spirit I realised that maybe, there was a slight chance that God still loved me, that I could be forgiven for who I was. I had only been a Christian for 3 months so there had to be an adjustment period right? I hardly believed it but there was a spark however small and fragile.

I considered that even if there was a remote possibility, a tiny chance, that God loved me or was at least willing to forgive me then I could not kill his creation. I saw this ‘good’ part of me that God loved as something totally seperate to myself, the good part was an ‘it’ the bad part was ‘me’. I could not comprrehend that the two were the same thing. If God loved ‘it’ then I could not kill His creation, I could not commit murder. I did not see the ‘it’ as ‘me’ so it would be like killing someone else. I wanted to destroy the disgusting ‘me’ so badly but if it housed the good part, the loveable part that was God’s then who was I to destroy His work? I came to the conclusion that if God wanted em dead He would have killed me. I wouldn’t have to do it myself. And since I wasn’t dead, then He must want me alive. It would be a long time before I could truly see myself through God’s eyes insted of my wn, before I could differentiate between who I was and what had happened to me, before I could accept myself as a child of God.

Some of you may remember Anthony and I discussing how much joy God has in His people and with Anthony’s help I reaslised that he truely did love me, that the rape was not a punnishment, it was not my fault, that I needed and more significantly wanted to live. For anyone out there who is in the position I was I urge you to remember that you are here by the grace of God, He wants you alive and that is the one and only reason that you are. God loves you. Those simple words hold a truth that trancends the way we feel about ourselves, it is the truth that saves.

I dedicate this post to a very special friend who is going through something similar now, it is my prayer and my plea that you know the love of God in your life, a love that validates you and makes you worthy.

Joined in 2006
July 27, 2007, 15:12

Sandy, thankyou hardly seems to fit enough but thankyou for sharing such a private and personal part of yourself with so many who will read this. I know that many will relate to and understand what you are talking about. We will keep your friend covered in prayer. Yes God does love us and has an amazing purpose for us all, even if all it is, is just to be and be yourself, how very important that is in itself.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
July 27, 2007, 19:51

a christian heterosexual couple asked me the other day what i’ve learnt through this journey……i’m always a little embarrassed to answer that question as it is actually so simple. How could I have not known them for the first 40 something years of my life.

Two things:

1. i’m loved

2. I’m a good person

Joined in 2005
July 27, 2007, 20:23

the most amazing things are the simple things.

I am acceptable is huge too… a small statement that means so much

Joined in 2005
July 27, 2007, 20:29

i can say chin chin to sandy’s words… so many times i have been at the place of suicide…. not thinking i was enough… but ive learnt so far that there is a light at the end of it all….

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
July 28, 2007, 00:14

thank God we are free of the self loathing created by a culture that was ill informed about sexual orientation and now we can see ourselves as we truly are.

Joined in 2007
July 28, 2007, 00:24

Thank you Sandy … truly

Joined in 2007
July 28, 2007, 18:46

It makes me wonder if the ‘culture’ whoever that comprises of really knows the effect their words can have. I hope not, education is called for not simply for the homosexual but for the church and broader society as a whole. Lives are being lost, the problem seems too big, where on earth do we even start?

Joined in 2007
July 29, 2007, 01:38

Thank you Sandy for taking the time to share this part of you. Why is it that we always come back to that place in our lives when we think we are not worth the salts of the earth. Then reading your bit.. well, I don’t like it when I don’t have tissues in the house and have to use paper towels (giggles). Thanks sis… I needed to read this and it was a quick sharp reminder to me.

I too tried to committ the same crime, only I wasn’t a Christian then. I was going to Church for about a year… and fellowship, I loved their beautiful way of life and I wondered if I would ever be in they were. They were so happy, so intouch with God, so blessed, kind and gentle. It was like magic… and I was non magical and I didn’t belong. It was the 19th January 1987 that I waited for my result of my HSC, my mum didn’t think it was good when she saw the results and started saying bad things about the church that I was wasting my time, that I was an insensitive selfish bastard and so on. She left and I was on my own… the feelings and sad thoughts were in my head and I never always had a high opinion about myself and I hated myself so much and I struggled within my mind. I was going crazy and it escalated to where I had this vivid picture of me dead and I thought yep, that’s it. there was a gun in the house, we had heaps of strong medication, there was so many things I could kill myself with, fire, water, jumping off the roof, running out infront of a truck… I was so upset that I couldn’t think but I knew I was going to die, my heart was racing, I was crying so hard, it was the worst thing I ever felt in my life. In the middle of the distress, I don’t know why, but I called out to God. In that split second everything stopped… it was so incredible. I stood there thinking… what happened?… I was so calm, one moment my heart was racing so was my mind and in that split second, the heart stopped racing and my head was clear… it was like cool water was poured into me and I felt so clean, new and incredible. It stayed with me for days.

In my early Christian days it was so easy not to think about taking my own life… because the experience stayed with me for years… and after being in a place where I actually regressed backward because I thought I wasn’t good enough for God. Since struggles with my same sex attraction I kind of forgotten that day God saved me… I struggled with taht for days and weeks and years… I met this person who became the love of my life, been together for more than 11 years now…really it wasn’t that long ago that I accepted myself and in many ways I’m finding myself relaxed with who I am… sometimes I take a nose dive and sometimes God rescues or God lets me hit the ground and I go ow… and then get a life and redirect my thinking to better things eh.

Thanks Sandy.

It makes me wonder if the ‘culture’ whoever that comprises of really knows the effect their words can have. I hope not, education is called for not simply for the homosexual but for the church and broader society as a whole. Lives are being lost, the problem seems too big, where on earth do we even start?

My thoughts, yes there a lot of people out there who are supportive and learning more about this… the stronger areas are within an institutional organisation where the most damages occurs. Do they realise what they are doing? No, because they think its the right thing to do. They don’t know any better. They are in the dark. Sigh sorry I ain’t being positive here but hey God loves us you know… he always has and always will love and accept us. 😀

Joined in 2007
July 29, 2007, 01:40

a christian heterosexual couple asked me the other day what i’ve learnt through this journey……i’m always a little embarrassed to answer that question as it is actually so simple. How could I have not known them for the first 40 something years of my life.

Two things:

1. i’m loved

2. I’m a good person

Thanks Anthony, 😀 its so simple that we keep missing those simple and yet profound facts.

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