
I no longer consider myself Christian anymore

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Joined in 2012
February 12, 2013, 22:06

Hey guys. I've been doing a lot of contemplating these last few months and I now no longer consider myself to be a Christian, for a few reasons.

First, I've learnt that the word Christian is to be 'Christ-like', and I am anything but this – in fact not a day goes by where I still judge someone in my mind or say something that could be deemed as 'gossip' as it says in the bible. I think we're all guity of not being able to follow everything in the bible to be completely honest, and I'm sure if everyone is honest with themselves, we all still judge people no matter how hard we try not to – I guess you could call it human nature, but anyway… I just feel that labelling myself as a Christian would be doing both myself and the Christian faith a great disservice.

For as much research as I've being doing on the bible and as fascinating as it has all been (In particular, the stories of Enoch, Nephilim and potential secrets of the apostles and possibly lost books of the bible), I have unfortunately wound up with more questions than answers, and it has quite literally been killing me on the inside to know that I can't find out the truth in everything – like where we all come from… is there an afterlife… or why, despite everything, I've never experienced the feeling that God is there with me, that He loves me, or if there is any purpose in my life here on Earth. All the pain I've been through I just end up rationalizing with things like 'maybe this is just a test so I learn a lesson' or 'I'll get through this time of doubt', when I know it's not the case, and God certainly won't answer me.

For now, I do believe that there is still one true God or higher being (whatever you want to call it, I personally call it 'God' just as a general term) who created everything. The evidence of nature, the beauty of animals, and all that around me is enough for me to believe that everything can't have been created from nothing, by nothing. I suppose what I struggle with, then, is why I have been ignored by God my entire life. I feel like I'm just another creation that has been created and left abandoned, like a baby in a manger floating down stream for others to take care of.

I guess it would be easy for people to think that I'm rejecting religion simply because I've been struggling with being both gay and Christian and that I've been hurt by people from my own religion (not you guys though <3), and I must admit, a good part of that is true (about 50%), however it's not the entire reason why I have rejected my previous beliefs, and here's why. I have literally tried everything. Praying. Meditation. You name it, I've done it, and nothing for me has worked. Nothing has ever made me feel any presense of God, and if Jesus does exist, that truly is awesome, because He is the ultimate hero for everyone, however I just don't understand why He hasn't been there for me, or for many of us for that matter – it's like He's been on vacation and has been 'coming soon' for thousands of years now and I just don't believe He could be ending his vacation anytime soon in all honesty.

I am so frustrated. I suppose you could call me a religious skeptical believer. I'm not sure if there is even a label or term for that, I've wiki'ed it and it could mean I'm an 'agnostic thiest', I'm not exactly sure what word would sum up everything I believe now though – if you do, please let me know in a post below 😛 Basically I still believe in one true God that created everything, but I am skeptic of religious doctrines, what really happens after death, and put simply, I don't know what or who to believe anymore without real evidence and real contact with God – as people in the bible days supposedly experienced so long ago. All I know is that I've tried everything and nothing has worked, and it brings me deep sadness because it makes me doubt whether there truly is any meaning to life.

I'm sure that people in real life will now look at me as though I'm a fruit loop for not following a specific religion anymore (I know that my relatives will never understand both my sexuality and my position on religious doctrine, that's for sure), but I just want to be honest, and this is what I've been feeling. I'm sorry if this thread offends anyone, I just feel that, until I experience a true feeling or knowing that God is with me, that He loves me, that praying and/or meditation actually works, and that there is an amazing life for us after death, I'm completely done with religion.

I wish I could have made a happier post guys, but there you go… if it all seems too depressing and isn't exactly what you guys wanted to see on F2B because, after all, this forum is about reconciling sexuality and faith (not letting go of faith), I will fully understand if it's removed. If there's any upside, I have found true freedom in letting go of a lot of self loathing that the church I once went to, put me through. And, in a big way, letting go of religion in general, has allowed me to just get on with my life. It certainly doesn't make it easier, because I still feel like I need answers to burning 'life' sort of questions that I will no doubt always have, but discarding religion has given me some sort of liberation and self acceptance.


Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
February 12, 2013, 22:53

Hi Jordan

It sounds like you are going through a normal part of growth. Unfortunately it's part of the human experience to sometimes feel abandoned and tested, to question and have doubts. I'm pretty sure that all of us have felt those things at one time or other – I certainly have – and Jesus did too.

Nothing you have posted is offensive. And rest assured that you don't have to have some neat kind of religious belief to be here. Spirituality comes in all sorts of forms and the kind of questioning and aloneness you are experiencing is part of maturing.

Have you thought of joining a local gay social discussion group or other kind of hobby (not necessarily gay) where you can make some friends? I've found that God reaches me through others so if I put myself in places where I have an opportunity to learn a new skill and meet others, I open myself to God who is there all along. Just a thought.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2012
February 12, 2013, 23:42

Hey Ann, and nope I haven't reached out to any LGBT sort of group yet, I'm still very much a social virgin (after being treated horribly at school I lost a lot of trust in people) and don't think I'm ready, or ever will be ready.

I recently looked into ancient tibetan bowl sort of meditation – it sort of helped, though I think it was more just the fact that I was relaxing and not thinking about anything, so it was kinda peaceful but I still didn't feel any sort of spiritual fulfillment. I think I'm going to look more into spirituality and see if something works for me there.

It's weird because I remember seeing a few supernatural things as a kid, like a demon at our previous REALLY haunted house, and an angel that saved me and my family from an indefinite would-be fatal car crash (though I haven't experienced anything like that for many years now which is quite sad – though I don't miss seeing that demon), and so I know that there is a God and spiritual beings etc.

I would like to think and hope that, when I die, I can create my own world. Perhaps have plants in a rainbow-themed colour assortment leading up to my house, but I just honestly don't know what to believe anymore.

1:37 am here now, I better get some sleep. Thanks so much for empathising with me and posting about my situation Ann <3

Joined in 2005
February 13, 2013, 12:11


I will read your post in more detail later but I wanted to draw your attention to our mission – point 3)

freedom2b has no agenda. It is not our intention to get people to leave churches or go back to them or tell them what they should believe. That is your decision and journey. Our only intention is to provide a space for people to grow and resolve any issues they may have about their sexuality and/or their beliefs. Once again the choices are yours.

Many people who are part of the freedom 2b community reconcile their sexuality and their faith.

Many find non traditional answers – spiritual solutions in other churches or codes

Many choose to leave organised belief all together.

IF the person finds peace and reconciliation within themselves then that's a good step in their life journey

We all walk our own unique journeys and its often impossible to predict where you will end up. – You could end up the Pope after this one (OK not likely but my point is – life is full of surprises)

I know many people of good faith who don't call themselves Christian – and after all – although much good has been done in the name of Christ – so has much harm. I see no issue with that.

Follow your heart and your conscience and be true to yourself – and burn no bridges where possible – without long and careful thought anyway – and you will end up working things out….

I think most of us work through these things – and I think it's quite healthy.

Joined in 2012
February 13, 2013, 14:05

Thanks Shadow! 😛 I agree, I think we all have different journeys, and as long as we all end up happy it's all that matters.

Joined in 2005
February 13, 2013, 17:06

Some people LIKE predictable Journeys – in groups – with maps knowing exactly whats on the menu and what they will see and eat

Some people Like Mystery and to travel without maps and itinerary and the wonder of discovering whats just around that corner or over that hill

both are quote reasonable approaches. Each to his own.

I like to look at the maps to get a broad outline but then go my own way and make my own discoveries (and mistakes)

I see a a small lane way that looks interesting and just on the spur of the moment – take it.

If I see a crowd – I will find a quieter more peaceful (natural) way…

and thats what makes diversity. We all do things our own way.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
February 13, 2013, 17:31

Hi Jordan

You said:

I think I'm going to look more into spirituality and see if something works for me there.

What did you have in mind with that? 🙂

Shadow Boxer, thanks for posting the relevant parts of our mission statement. I think it's always good for everyone to be reminded that here at f2b we have a very broad appreciation of all kinds of positions and just want to support people in finding their own way toward whatever works best for them. 🙂


Ann Maree

Joined in 2012
February 13, 2013, 20:18

I think I'm going to look up more meditation sort of stuff from now on… I remember one of my happiest moments was when I was lying in a hammock, thinking of nothing, and hearing the sounds of nature. I didn't sleep or anything, and when I opened my eyes I had quite a few ideas on what I wanted to do and just felt refreshed. Maybe I'll look into sounds of nature, perhaps things like binaural beats or something too. I tried the tibetan bowls thing – didn't do anything for me.

Chapter Leader
Joined in 2008
February 13, 2013, 23:11

Jordon – don't "burn the bridges behind you". Some of us have walked away from 'the church' (i.e., organized Christianity) and have then also said we have walked away from God. Often understandable given the treatment we have received and the emotions which it stirs up.

But, our ongoing searching can take us in lots of directions (just avoid the unhelpful and the unhealthy ones) and can even bring us back to a Christian faith position – albeit, a somewhat different version of the one we walked away from. God's "imperishable seed" planted in us sits there waiting for the appropriate time to stir. The journey requires honesty and humility on our part. May you have that in abundance.

Joined in 2012
February 14, 2013, 16:30

Thanks Forest,

I still believe in God, but nowadays I guess you could say that I don't trust the aspect of religion anymore, because there's so many arguments and wars because of differing views (you only have to look on YouTube to see half the comments being religious wars). I suppose it's hard for me to completely distance myself from everything I've been taught though – it's like how a couple members of the Westboro Baptist Church still have minor anti-gay views despite leaving the cult, and you can understand their position because they were brought up to hate gay people in the first place, so there will always be that small seed of doubt. Likewise, I have wanted to go to church, but when I thought about it, it wasn't about the sermons (because 95% of the time I got nothing out of them or was condemned by the people there) or the church, it was relating to others about all the crap we've been through, and I realized it was community, not a church, that I wanted to be in.

As much as I would like to believe in Jesus, and it would be great if he is real, I just don't understand why he hasn't shown up (as he's been 'coming soon' for a few thousand years now), and I also don't understand why prayer isn't a two way communication system. It's not fair, and for some people, they need answers, and they're just not getting them. So for me, letting go of Christianity has been somewhat of a relief, but I think whether you're religious or not, there is still this constant unexplainable void within each and every one of us that makes us feel as though there must be more to life. I think until I get answers (most likely not in this life), I will be on niacin for a very, very long time to manage this neverending depression, to say the least.

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