
Inside Exgay Project

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Chapter Leader
Joined in 2006
April 28, 2014, 22:37

Just would like to let you know about The Inside Ex-gay Project, produced by Joy 94.9’s Dean Beck and Nathan Despott, is a four part radio series offering fascinating insight into the ex-gay movement. There’s also a website – – with articles, playlists, videos and a heap of other resources to help you reconcile your faith and sexuality. It was developed to provide hope to the many young Australians of faith who believe they are damaged, dysfunctional or defective because they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex (LGBTI).

The radio program runs during April and May 2014 on Sundays on Joy 94.9 (in Melbourne) and online at and features ex-gay survivors, Christian leaders, an Anglican bishop, researchers and counsellors and even a major theological educator from a conservative background who is speaking out publically about his LGBTI-affirming stance for the first time. Their message: Whether you are progressive, conservative, evangelical or non-religious, the ex-gay movement is damaging and misguided.

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