
Is Homosexuality hard-wired?

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Joined in 2008
August 29, 2009, 15:00

Reorienation/ex-gay therapy is an increasingly irrelevant message as more people become educated about sexual orientation and realise that it is hard wired…..created through biological factors of genetics and hormones.

There is no evidence to say that it is due to biological factors.

Joined in 2008
August 29, 2009, 15:03

The following article might help in providing a background to this important question …

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
August 29, 2009, 19:16

Reorienation/ex-gay therapy is an increasingly irrelevant message as more people become educated about sexual orientation and realise that it is hard wired…..created through biological factors of genetics and hormones.

There is no evidence to say that it is due to biological factors.

hi flash…..I’ve been reading up on this for the last 10 years now. there is actually an enormous amount of evidence that sexual orientation is something which is biologically determined through genetic and hormonal influences. At this stage science has not found a single gay gene as they have also not found a single gene that determines heterosexuality. We probably won’t find one as sexual orientation is very complex.

But who knows with advances in technology we may. The discovery of the structure of DNA in 1869transformed biology, taking our understanding to a molecular level and changing the way we explain biological phenomena. There have continued to be amazing breakthroughs even up to recent times as to coding and other complexities locked away in the molecule.

have you read the through the resources on this on our site

Joined in 2009
September 8, 2009, 19:03

Anthony I think there is no consensus in the evidence that sexual orientation is something which is biologically determined through genetic and hormonal influences. Many researches have been done in the last decade but there is no concrete evident that sexual orientation is determined by genetic or hormonal influences.

At this stage I think it safe to say that what determined one sexual orientation is unknown. This is not to dismiss that there is a possibility that sexual orientation is determined by genetic and hormonal influences.

There are cases where men are found to have excessive estrogens and female who have excessive testosterone. However that doesn’t indicate their sexual orientation. Molecularly speaking the so called ‘gay genes’ remain a theory, extensive research has been done but there is no evident to the existence of so called ‘gay genes’. There also neuroscience research on sexual orientation but there is no conclusive evident to suggest sexual orientation is determined by neurons activities.

I know that there seem to be many books/articles suggest that sexual orientation is determined by biology but the fact is at this stage we simply do not have any conclusive evident. What we have is theory, we do not know the aetiology of sexual orientation.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
September 8, 2009, 21:14

I’d like to recommend a good book that anyone interested in this can read.

Born Gay: The Psychobiology of Sex Orientation

Previous theories that sexual orientation was determined by environmental influences such as parenting or sexual abuse have been debunked by research. Recent research indicate the influence of genetics and hormones.

The belief that some Christians still hold on to that homosexuality is a choice is of course laughable.

Joined in 2009
September 9, 2009, 19:14

Psychobiology and molecular science are two difference things.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
September 10, 2009, 11:55

would you like to explain that for everyone JYONG

Joined in 2009
September 11, 2009, 16:25

I find it interesting to reflect on who we turn to as ‘referee’ in such matters. Once upon a time, societies turned on chance happenings as ‘signs’ that something was favourable or not. Decisions were made according to the elements / weather and the ‘gods’- sun, moon etc. When religion became more organised, humans looked to religious leaders to arbitrate a matter of contention, to tell them the Truth. In places where Religion gave way the State it was totalitarian governments that decided what was acceptable or not based on what was productive for the society. For a while in the West at least, Psychology seemed to have the responsibility for determining what was ‘normal’ or not. And now we are at a time when genetics appears to be most dominant.

‘Truth’ depends on who has power at any point in time. These claims to truth have always been means of social control.

Why should a religious leader determine whether I am acceptable or ‘normal’?

Why should a government?

Why should a GP? Or a genetic scientist?

Why should any one discourse, whether it be the discourse of Psychology or Religion or Genetics or Economics, have the final say in determining the ‘truth’ regarding sexuality?

Just some thoughts!

Joined in 2007
September 11, 2009, 20:52

This is why postmodernism is so prevelant today (despite the fact that it’s extreemly hard to understand, in the words of my social work lecturer “Postmodernism is seen to be a responce by disollusioned intelligensia with consumption oriented lifestyles; an intelectual free for all, for those who can understand it” 😆 😆 😆 Priceless….anyway back to my point.

It’s one of those unsolvable conundrums because a world without some kind of benchmark for truth is no better off than the world with a faulty truth logic. It just doesn’t work. To diverge into a social work debate since you’re one, I think: What makes the AASW Code of Ethics the ultimate guideline for practitioners? Where do the truths in that come from? Larely they are based on societal values which constantly change.

*shurgs* Its totally unsolvable, time to embrace the diversity of people and their individual accounts of truth or lies, you can live comfortably in the world that way, understanding people in their own contexts with their unique belief systems which evolve over time. Any other way leads to cahos and dare I say it, fundamentalism 😆 😆

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
September 11, 2009, 21:16

I love being me 😀

is that post-modernism or truth : 🙄 ❓ 💡 😉

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