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Joined in 2007
January 13, 2011, 03:48

I’m glad you got to see me face to face, AVB. Maybe one day we will get to meet in person. That would be good! I was relieved and surprised that the world didn’t end when that was made public. I had fully expected that it would! 😀 :bigsmile:

It was also a very liberating experience, to tell the truth.

Joined in 2011
January 13, 2011, 06:54

Thanks Meg… you did great… It was good to ‘meet’ you.

You are very brave – and the world didn’t end! 🙂


Joined in 2007
January 14, 2011, 03:09

Thanks, ammi.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
January 14, 2011, 22:22

I’m glad you got to see me face to face, AVB. Maybe one day we will get to meet in person. That would be good! I was relieved and surprised that the world didn’t end when that was made public. I had fully expected that it would! 😀 :bigsmile:

It was also a very liberating experience, to tell the truth.

Sometimes I ask myself the question…….What’s the worst possible thing that can happen? I find that can help me see how realistic the fear is……sometimes the fears are nothing more than paper tigers standing at our door to freedom and growling every time we indicate we might want to break free.

that was rather poetic wasn’t it…….. :bigsmile: I think I just had a moment. 🙂

Joined in 2007
January 15, 2011, 00:06

Very poetic, AVB. My partner’s Dad used to say that too, about thinking of the worst possible thing that might happen. His philosophy was to decide what you would do if that worst case scenario should occur, and then go ahead with what you were planning to do. It’s something I can see the worth of, but am not so great at doing it. LOL. I just go ahead and do whatever it is, in fear and trembling anyway. 😐 Most of the time it works out okay and my fears are never realized. 😀 :bigsmile:

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
January 15, 2011, 12:30

Very poetic, AVB. My partner’s Dad used to say that too, about thinking of the worst possible thing that might happen. His philosophy was to decide what you would do if that worst case scenario should occur, and then go ahead with what you were planning to do. It’s something I can see the worth of, but am not so great at doing it. LOL. I just go ahead and do whatever it is, in fear and trembling anyway. 😐 Most of the time it works out okay and my fears are never realized. 😀 :bigsmile:

…….and isn’t that constantly reflected in the stories on this forum of those who have come out to their family and friends. 🙂

Joined in 2010
May 13, 2011, 20:47


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