
Love changes all things a poem at 5am this morning

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Joined in 2009
December 27, 2009, 06:54

As in the Garden

Let love abound in my heart O lord as I remember your night in the garden

Your foretaste of the things to come,yet in love you suffered

Your brow already showing the drops of blood that soon would take a crown of thorns for me.

That night you suffered was for me

O love that passes all understanding,that knows no bounds.

Lord teach me to love.

when men mock me because of my ways

let me love

when men spit on me because they do not understand

let me love

when they despise me let me open not my mouth

let me love

love can change everything

it is not puffed up

it suffers long

it bears all things

believes all things

hopes all things

endures all things


Teach me to love unconditional O Lord

That my sisters and brothers may see your love in me

that the may know I am your disciple

Never let the garden of Gethsemene depart from me

Teach me your ways O Lord that I might walk with you in them

let me not stray from the Garden

Let me smell the perfume of your love

Than you for your time in the garden Lord

Lets Love unconditionally

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