
Missing my former brothers and sisters in Christ

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Joined in 2009
March 11, 2011, 15:30

I did end up going to my old home church (Baptist) for my 50th spiritual anniversary. It was good to catch up with a few old friends. However the pastor’s wife, Wendy Francis, gave an extensive presentation on how to protest to your local MP on gay marriage. She is the failed Family First candidate and now the state representative of the Australian Christian Lobby. I decided to come out to the pastor and his wife afterwards and if the enemey is ignorance, let’s just say she is a lot less ignorant now than she was before. I just told them my story and also covered a little of what the Bible actually says about homosexuality. Unfortunately the night was hardly a celebration.

However the good news is that on Tuesday I came out to Doug who is now in his 80s and has been going to the local Uniting church for many years. We have been attending that church now for just a few months. He was warmly accepting of me and so gracious. He also said he was sure 95% of the people there would be accepting. It was so encouraging to hear that.

Thank you Lord for Doug and may his tribe increase!

BTW Doug told me in January that he left the Baptist Church many years ago because he found them far too judgmental.

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