
My renewed faith, attending my old church

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Joined in 2009
March 30, 2009, 22:28

🙂 Last year I heard there was now a lesbian minister at the Church that I had grown up in,and was confirmed as a member in 1976, in the southern suburbs of Adelaide. I had left this church since getting married and being involved in my career as a teacher. Lots has happened in my life, struggling with sexuality and leaving the marriage and other huge traumas since my days at that church. After 32 years away from this church, I went back, finally glad that I had found a church where there was inclusivity as part of the mission statement. I had finally found a church where I feel comfortable and accepted, and it was the church where I grew up feeling so alone and miserable, knowing I was different all those years ago.

Members of the congregation who taught me in Sunday school as a child, now I am relating to as adults! I think I am “the only gay in the village”!. However it is a challenge for me , with the ministers, to start taking steps to increasing the focus of inclusivity. Perhaps someone has an idea of how they have built up numbers of gays and lesbians within their congregations, apart from the obious of asking friends along. Has anyone started up a gay fellowship group within their church? love to hear from you. Unfortunately I believe MCC has disbanded in Adelaide.

What a great site! Praise the Lord for the fact that we can communicate all over the world, or locally with fellow gay and lesbian Christians.

God Bless

Joined in 2008
March 31, 2009, 20:05

Hi pjr,

Welcome to Freedom2b[e] 😀 That’s awesome that you have gone back to your original church and discovered that they’re now inclusive of GLBT people 8)

Hope to hear more from you.

Joined in 2009
April 1, 2009, 12:07

🙂 Thanks for the reply mobileguy68. It was great to get your encouragement and feedback. I am wanting to hear from other people who are/have been along to a church and felt like the odd one out, as this is what I am finding 🙁 . Of course there is my lesbian minister, but I am quite sure I am “the only gay in the village” so to speak 🙁 . I am looking for ideas about how to increase the ‘inclusivity” in the mission of the Church, from just being part of the mission statement. I am sure it is just needing some good ideas to start making it a place where other gltb people are comfortable and feel safe to go to. The people there all know that I am gay now, and I feel quite accepted. Any ideas?

Also love to particulaarly hear from anyone living in Adelaide.


Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
April 1, 2009, 14:18

Hi pjr……great to have you with us in our network.

I think it is fairly similar for many of us who have returned to the fold so to speak. We are the only gays in the village…..well the only openly gays anyway.

Not sure I have any real suggestions except to let your light shine proudly and boldly.

we are the missionaries of sorts….the first fruits.

you maybe encouraged to read my article about the changes that are happening in many churches and around the world.

BTW…..I got your email just now… everything functioning okay for you on the forum now.

Joined in 2009
April 6, 2009, 14:14

Thanks Anthony for the article you sent me. It really is relavant to what I was needing to hear as far as advice about how to exist and go forward confidently as a gay man in the predominantly straight church. I shall keep you up to date as to how things go. Great article. Thanks

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
April 7, 2009, 11:48

no worries…..glad it was helpful…..some of us are called to be missionaries in churches that previously would have shunned us. the world is changing and we can be a part of the change just by being who we are within the Christian world.

Joined in 2009
April 7, 2009, 12:59

Thanks Anthony for that

Joined in 2006
April 11, 2009, 08:52

Hi Pjr, great to have you with us 😀

the world is changing and we can be a part of the change just by being who we are within the Christian world.

Yep so true.

Joined in 2009
April 12, 2009, 23:22

😀 Hey thanks for the post magsdee. Hope your Easter was meaning ful and fun. Thanks for the quote. God bless you.

Joined in 2006
April 13, 2009, 07:49

Thankyou 😀 Easter was great and in a simple word “zit citied” soooooooo much chocolate 😳 😆 hope you had a good one too 😉

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