
My story - gay christian man from brazil 25 years old

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Joined in 2011
October 24, 2011, 17:16

Dear Filipe,

Your English is very good. Thank you for sharing your story, you’ll receive much encouragement here.

I’m so pleased you’ve found peace with God and have embraced who you are. My heart is glad to hear how you came to feel free and loved by Christ, from studying the Bible for yourself. Well done!

My hope is for others to find the truth about who they are in Christ, too.

I’ll be praying for you to find other gay Christians, and an inclusive church group. There must be somewhere you can go, and feel affirmed and accepted there.

Bless you and ((hugs)) to you,

Joined in 2011
October 25, 2011, 04:49

Hi =P

Thanks Anhtony and Suzee for your supporting.

It is really good find people like me.

This weekend I am going to visit an inclusive church.


Joined in 2011
October 25, 2011, 09:19

I’m so happy to know that you have an inclusive church to visit…I hope it went well.

You have a wonderful positive attitude…I love it! 🙂

You may be able to help other gay people who are struggling and need encouragement.

Suzee :bigsmile:

Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
October 25, 2011, 11:05

Too be honest with you the weight in my shoulder now is see my parents (specially my mom) ashamed of me. Its funny because as soon as I came out they “went inside” (they started to hide). I wish they be proud of who I am.

Hi Filipe,

Give your parents sometime, this mostly likely was a big shock to them. I think sometimes people forget that for many (maybe not all) people who are LGBTI have had sometime to accept who they are and dealt with many issues that have come up because of that, before they come out to their parents. Parents also need time to digest what they have been told, and work through the issues that have come up for them. I know some parents don’t deal with it very well. Even though it might be a shock to them now, and you feel they are ashamed of you at the moment doesn’t mean they won’t come around and realize you are still the son they love and are proud of, don’t give up on them yet. Hopefully once they can take a step back and see how maturely you have handled this, your honesty and your love for them, they will accept and love your for who you are.

You said as soon as you came out they went inside, you don’t mention that they said anything to you. Maybe they thought they were better to keep quiet than say something they would later regret.

Keep being yourself, loving your parents, showing them you are still their son and hopefully they will be proud of the young man you are.

From a loving, supportive, proud mother of a gay son.

God Bless.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
October 31, 2011, 22:53

Too be honest with you the weight in my shoulder now is see my parents (specially my mom) ashamed of me. Its funny because as soon as I came out they “went inside” (they started to hide). I wish they be proud of who I am.

Hi Filipe,

Give your parents sometime, this mostly likely was a big shock to them. I think sometimes people forget that for many (maybe not all) people who are LGBTI have had sometime to accept who they are and dealt with many issues that have come up because of that, before they come out to their parents. Parents also need time to digest what they have been told, and work through the issues that have come up for them. I know some parents don’t deal with it very well. Even though it might be a shock to them now, and you feel they are ashamed of you at the moment doesn’t mean they won’t come around and realize you are still the son they love and are proud of, don’t give up on them yet. Hopefully once they can take a step back and see how maturely you have handled this, your honesty and your love for them, they will accept and love your for who you are.

You said as soon as you came out they went inside, you don’t mention that they said anything to you. Maybe they thought they were better to keep quiet than say something they would later regret.

Keep being yourself, loving your parents, showing them you are still their son and hopefully they will be proud of the young man you are.

From a loving, supportive, proud mother of a gay son.

God Bless.

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