
New book: Being gay, being Christian

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Joined in 2009
January 11, 2012, 20:31

I would like to recommend this book to you all:

Being gay, being Christian: you can be both

by Stuart Edser

published by Exisle Publishing

Dr Stuart Edser is a psychologist in private practice in Newscastle, Australia. He has experienced both Catholic and evangelical/Pentecostal churches. According to the bio 'after years of struggle and self-acceptance, he now lives with his partner Chris and is very comfortable being both gay and Christian.'

I found this an excellent book for its easy-to-read approach to both the psychological/physiological bases for homosexuality and the biblical/religious approaches to dealing with homosexual people. Here we have a book by an Australian author, with wide experience across the church, and an in-depth understanding from academic study and professional practise.

There are sections on

being gay

coming out

ex-gay therapy

biblical passages thought to relate to homosexuality

evangelical responses to homosexuality

Catholic responses to homosexuality

This is a 230 page book which is an easy read, a comprehensive treatment of the subject, and a great resource (useful end-notes with references for those wanting to go further).

I will make extensive use of this book in discussing the subject of homosexuality with both Christians and non-Christians.

If you are serious about understanding this subject and having a simple, though comprehensive resource for others, then please buy this book!

Chapter Leader
Joined in 2008
January 11, 2012, 23:25

Oops! Ian posted this without realizing we already have a thread on the subject labelled "Great New Australian Book".

Please add further comments to that main thread. Our reviews by two f2b reviewes will be posted shortly. Ta!

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
January 12, 2012, 08:57

Hi Ian

Can you copy and paste this into the Books and CD corner under the thread we already have there about this book?

Thanks very much.


Ann Maree

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