
New Gay Doco Released

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Chapter Leader
Joined in 2008
February 6, 2016, 02:04


Please come to the launch of this new Australian video documentary: “Here I Am”

Produced for Christian families with gay and lesbian members and for those who support them, it offers valuable insights from their perspective.

“Coming out” can be a difficult time for families, individuals and those close to them. They often feel completely alone in the world.

In this documentary, parents, children, partners, couples and supporting pastors and psychologists speak from the heart about the experience of coming out in a Christian environment. They discuss the importance of faith, the difficulties of coming out in families and the church, solutions to the problems, their best advice for others, and hope for the future.

(Many Freedom 2b members feature in this documentary!)

Place: Australian Film Television and Radio School, Building 130, The Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park, Sydney. NSW 2021

Date: Wednesday March 2, 2016 Time: 6:15 for 6:30pm

RSVP ESSENTIAL: 26 February (the venue needs a list of names) to: John Wallace [email protected]

[Watch for showings in other cities later on. DVD release later in 2016]

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