
No Hope! 26y; Immigrant; new Christian; Hand cuffed by culture 🙁

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Eric Lee
Joined in 2011
November 27, 2014, 19:00

Hi Sculler,

Thanks for sharing your story and welcome to freedom2b!

I'm also an immigrant too. I came to Australia when I was 15 and have been here for 18 years and just decided to obtain the citizenship a few months ago. All my family members are back at home. I can somehow relate to the feeling of being isolated in a different environment and culture. I wasn't born in a Christian family too. I found Christ when I was 24, and, like many people, I tried to do all the "right" things.

But the slogan, "it'll get better" is true – hang in there!

Counseling would definitely helpful. I encourage you to do so too! Also, perhaps surround yourself with positive friends too. 🙂 There are also many support groups available. Let us know if you need more information.

Also, feel free to send me a message if you want to talk further.



Joined in 2015
February 13, 2015, 23:25


Thank you for sharing part of your journey with us. You have been very brave, open and honest with us. It sounds as though you are being very honest with yourself also. Although we are all perfect and made in Gods image, we all make the wrong choices at times. You though are making the correct ones and like all of is we have "found this group for a reason" – It was meant to be. Your character seems strong but you are gentle and considerate. A good person.

I pray that all has gone well since your last post and please believe that you already have a group of supportive non judgemental people here for you always. I too thought that I would never be able to be honest and come out to my parents, siblings, and friends, but "coming out" is how YOU want it to be and when YOU feel it is safe to do so. I was 35 when I told my people. It shocked some… I too feared that it would harm the health of some loved ones and even myself, but we are who we are and you know that denial just hurts us inside! When others see you bloom like a beautiful flower they can be swept up with the passion and love that that you show. But do belive that you will know when the time is right but until then DO NOT STOP LIVING YOUR DREAMS.

And counselling with the person that you feel comfortable with at the time that you are comfortable to share, does help heaps.

OUR FRIEND, God bless you and be kind to yourself.


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