
Now we have had some time - thoughts on the exodus apology ?

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Joined in 2005
June 25, 2013, 10:10

Some more reactions to Alan Chambers apology here

These are less positive reactions and please note I post these cautiously. Im aware the apology means a lot to many people – but I must admit – I personally think the reactions in these articles are a too far

So Im just posting them for interest and discussion – however I do wonder if there is some wiggle room in Alan Chambers apology

The apology again is here

and I note the following

1) He apologises for the Churches Ignorance

2) He comments he does not completely agree with either side (so he doesnt agree with the LGBTI Community)

3) His beliefs centre on Grace

4) He acknowledges the pain exodus caused SOME (my emphasis).

5) The stresses that Exodus did some good (by saying the good was overshadowed by the bad) so he still believes – at least in part – what exodus did.

6) He apologises for change efforts THAT STIGMATISE PARENTS (my emphasis) and sexual misconduct, shame and false hope. NOT for telling people it was wrong to be Gay.

7) Hes sorry he didnt stand up to stop people calling Gays names.

8) there is a nice UNQUALIFIED apology about being good parents

9) Hes sorry that he celebrated the end of our relationships (and note he doesnt say hes sorry he broke up the relationships – he is saying hes sorry that he celebrated it – although I may be being pedantic on this one)

10) he apologies that people feel God have rejected them and

11) He apologies people have suicided.

BUT then

12) He notes he still feels the same that Same Sex sex is biblically wrong and

13) Same sex Marriage Is biblically wrong

He offers friendship…peace and the common good ….. and

"by hosting thoughtful and safe conversations about gender and sexuality, while partnering with others to reduce fear, inspire hope, and cultivate human flourishing."

BUT I would note again three things I carry away from that apology … (and I still think its a HUGE step forward)

1) its clear he still thinks that at least SOME of what Exodus did / Does was good

2) He still believes acting on same sex attraction is wrong AND

3) He still believes that same sex relationships are wrong.

How his "Friendship" and such conversations will play out in the light of those beliefs I dont care to try to predict but I wonder if he / they have decided that they will make more headway in promoting their position in a less adverserial stance ?

What are people's thoughts on the apology. What does it mean to you ?

Joined in 2010
July 3, 2013, 13:30

Hey Shadow,

I am finding my reaction to the Alan Chambers statement is taking time to settle into some sort of focus. I suspect that the lack of replies so far to this thread, and only a couple to another in the Ex-gay – Miracle or Myth? forum

means that quite a few others may be finding the same is true for them.

Thanks for your links to the two comment articles in your post. Although they are strongly worded, claiming a calculated lack of disclosure in Alan Chambers' statements, I believe the facts and arguments they present support their views. I don't fully agree with them – I think Chambers' thinking as revealed in the apology is too fuzzy to be quite so consciously cynical. But I do think neglecting to mention Exodus International's long relationship to other Exodus brands, especially the Exodus Global Alliance (advocate of GLBT legal oppression in countries like Uganda) is a serious evasion, dishonesty by omission.

As Chambers what does say – well for starters I think the opening car crash story implies a more complete shouldering of responsibility than is actually there in the apology that follows. But I'm not sure that it's intended to be misleading in this way. More likely it's just that Chambers feels more moral responsibility than he can intellectually acknowledge.

The apology itself I find frustratingly vague, with a striking lack of self-examination as to HOW such innocent intentions could have led to such harm. I have a lot of specific thoughts of this kind which I could go through sentence by sentence, but that feels a bit much here in this forum.

What I would say in general is while the orientation change agenda is renounced, the causal theories of homoerotic orientation on which they rely are not – at least not specifically. To me these are the most destructive aspects of the whole ex-gay message – for it means every time you feel desire you see it as a symptom of woundedness, inadequacy, defectiveness.

However, I don't wish to be unfair to Alan Chambers. Echoing a lot of other reactions, I think it is an encouraging first step to real honesty and transparency from within the Christian All-Gay-Sex -Is-Wrong camp. But I await a more open and thorough interrogation of their ideas and practice.

My attention has been drawn by a friend to this recent interview with Chambers on Radio National.

I haven't listened to it yet, and I will probably have to take it slowly. I am interested to know other ex-gay survivor reactions, though.

Joined in 2010
July 3, 2013, 14:38

A correction – this interview is with Anthony Venn Brown and Haydn Sennet of Liberty Ministries in Sydney

Joined in 2009
July 7, 2013, 17:41

I think the apology should be accepted for what it is: words from a confused person who was part of a confused organisation. It is not a perfect statement but it does acknowledge the harm and suffering people have experienced; that is a great leap forward.

So the group (ex group) still thinks being LGBT is wrong Biblically? Well, that is nothing different than most of the church. We need to be big enough to accept that not everyone agrees with us, and if they don't they are not a child of Satan, they just have a different view. It is only when they preach hate that we need to take a stand and in the meantime, let's have an informed discussion with those who don't agree about the Bible, what it actually says, what its writers meant, its relevance for today and LGBTand faith issues.

I think we should be aware of the efforts to move forward, show people involved some grace but be ever vigilant in case a new group shows up like a wolf in sheep clothing.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
July 21, 2013, 21:04

The apology and closing down of Exodus has produced a range of responses. As some of you know I was actually at the Exodus conference at the invitation of Alan Chambers. You can read about that here if you like.

Since these events which included the Lisa Ling Our America "God and Gays", which was aired the second night of the conference, these are some of the reactions.

1. More ex-gay survivors have come out of the closet – now out they are beginning their process of healing. many are are acknowledging trauma, anger, grief and pain for the first time.

2. Some have received the apology with the intent it was given, that is, genuinely saying sorry.

3. Some are very angry about the apology

4. Some have rejoiced that Exodus has closed down

5. Some think there is a insidious agenda and that Alan Chambers is a snake in the grass and can't be trusted.

6. Some are worried that something else will come in and fill the Exodus void

7. The rhetoric against Alan and the Exodus team has become increasingly vitriolic

I spent a reasonable amount of time with Alan and other leaders at the conference and did a 20 minute formal interview with him. I said "Alan its interesting isn't it that after the events of the last few days you and I seem now to have the same enemies"

I have been involved with ex-gay survivor groups since 2000 when I created my first on the net and ran till 2005 when we commenced Freedom2b. I have been in a secret Facebook group with Alan and ex-gay survivors for at least 12 months. I have recently become less involved because of the constant angst. If there is one thing I have observed through the events of the last 13 years and made really clear the last 6 months.

Ex-gay survivors are not an homogenous unit. They come in three categories.

(I have removed the categories which were listed here. It was a draft of an article that needed more work as the concepts were still being formulated. My apologies to anyone who may have read it and been upset or offended. Obviously this was not my intention)

Anthony Venn-Brown

Co-founder of Freedom2b and Founder and CEO of Ambassadors & Bridge Builders International (ABBI)

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
July 21, 2013, 21:21


The Sydney Morning Herald report on Exodus closing is one the worst bits of journalism I have come across.

I have written about this here.

The ABC interviewed me while I was in LA right after the conference. They got the story right and did an extended version and podcast is here

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 6, 2013, 15:32

I have removed the categories which were listed above in my post. It was a draft of an article that needed more work as the concepts were still being formulated. My apologies to anyone who may have read it and been upset or offended. Obviously this was not my intention.

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