
Ok, I'm thinking about some closet space...

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Joined in 2008
July 2, 2008, 22:00

I’ve been out since I was 13, and I’m someone people would call “obviously gay” (good thing I really am! I always feel bad for straight women with masculine gender identities, since everyone always assumes they are gay, too).

But I am SO hungry to worship (in the Spirit) in a church service, that I’m considering trying to slide into a back seat at a local pentecostal church that is “don’t ask – don’t tell” for the very few “straight looking” gay folks there.

Should I risk it? Dunno. I haven’t been yelled at and called a filthy sinner 😯 by a religious leader for some time now — maybe I’m due for another go’round 😆

I won’t be able to do it this weekend, but I might try next (July 13). I have no intentions of trying to make friends or fellowship or anything (I *know* I’d never make it that far into their hearts!). Just slip into the back to worship, listen, and pray…

Any thoughts? Anyone else “obviously gay” already tried this and have some words of wisdom to pass along?

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
July 2, 2008, 22:33

I do it link.

Sorry but I need to be brief as i have lots to do and its getting late.

I just go and be me.

no rainbow flag or anything……just little old me……and a deep unshakable knowledge that I have every right to be there…….just as any heterosexual does.

“Obviously gay” 😆 😆 😆 mostly when I open my mouth….but I try not to squeal too much in church. 😆 😆 😆

Joined in 2005
July 4, 2008, 16:41

my thoughts are to be proud of who you are. Don’t be ashamed. Know that God loves you as you and others opinions matter not!!

Be brave and go for it!

Church is for all. My experience of the pentecostal church is they will allow you to attend, you just can not be a part of the ministries etc ie you cant play in the band etc…

You only know if you try. You will get something out of it, whether they are rude or not. We do not go to church for other people, we go to worship god in a community…

they are my thoughts

Joined in 2006
July 4, 2008, 19:10

I do it all the time, go to church and pray and worship and no one has ever asked my sexuality, Im not in ministry, yet I minister prayer and such and people know me to do so, why would they ask about my sexuality anyway, its not in anyones mind to do so 🙂 but if they do then I will tell, if not then Im not going to say anything, why should I have to, Im sure for those who will find out they will be surprised they were actually ministered to by a lesbian, maybe that will help many to see that God does accept us and moves through us, there are some that know about me and some that dont.

Go for it Link and just be yourself, you’re the only one and also God who knows your orientation, its not as if you are carrying some catchy bacteria you have to warn people about 😉

Joined in 2008
July 5, 2008, 11:49

“Obviously gay” 😆 😆 😆 mostly when I open my mouth….but I try not to squeal too much in church. 😆 😆 😆

😆 I saw you on YouTube, Anthony. You also get an “OG” button (“Obviously Gay”). You are a refreshing breath of fresh air 😀

Ok, votes are to try it. I was going to do it anyway, but now I’m more determined to see what happens. If rudeness is all that happens, that’s no biggie. I’ve been screamed at by a conservative catholic priest (so loud the whole church heard — and in great long detail — what a “sinner” I was for being gay). But I’ve also been snubbed and treated very rudely in so-called “liberal” protestant churches (even gay ones), for not being “TC” (Theologically Correct 😉 It’s been a very long road to figuring out that rudeness and Christian don’t automatically go together (sigh).

I will give a full report on my experience, afterwards 🙂

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
July 5, 2008, 19:28

the question you’ll always have to ready for link is about your morality. Anyone who is in a chriistian church must have a level of morality that is different to those outside the church.

Unfortunately…..Most christians I find from our circles (because they dont actually know any gay men or lesbians) assume that homosexuality = promiscuity.

I have several responses.

“my morality is a personal choice….but my sexual orientation however isn’t.


“its been so long since I had sex, my hymens grown over” 😆 😆

Then I ask them about thier sex life. When they reply that it is none of my business. Then I can ask “why do you feel the right then to make mine yours”

Joined in 2007
July 5, 2008, 20:26

yeah Link… its good to see you taking the step towards supporting your need for making connection with God with other people in the church. I really don’t think your orientation should be an issue.

Your intention are wholesome and what more do you need to attend to the house of the Lord where we all belong?

Looking forward to hearing about your experience on 13th July. I’m involved with many churches… they probably know that I am Gay but have not asked me. So I continue to do the good work that God has put before me and provide the care and love that Christ has for others. If and when they find out and start acting horrified… I know just the thing that will calm them down so quickly as pouring cold water on them. Its your integrity and your honour to God first. That’s where your focus needs to be… just being you and who you are with God. That’s all that needs to be.

Love you sis and will be thinking and praying for you on that special day.

Joined in 2008
July 6, 2008, 02:57

the question you’ll always have to ready for link is about your morality. Anyone who is in a chriistian church must have a level of morality that is different to those outside the church.

What I always find interesting in this light is that most non-Christian people (here in the USA anyway) feel that Christians are some of the *least* moral people in the world, due to so often supporting war, oppression, etc., but also due to being very hypocritical about sexual immorality/etc.

I remember hearing a gay pentecostal preacher speak to that in a sermon once: speaking against all the preachers who attack gay people in their midst, but then ignore the straight adulterers, child molesters, rapists, and so on who are also there.


Unfortunately…..Most christians I find from our circles (because they dont actually know any gay men or lesbians) assume that homosexuality = promiscuity.

I have several responses.

“my morality is a personal choice….but my sexual orientation however isn’t.


“its been so long since I had sex, my hymens grown over” 😆 😆

Then I ask them about thier sex life. When they reply that it is none of my business. Then I can ask “why do you feel the right then to make mine yours”

😆 You don’t REALLY say that hymen thing to them, do you??? 😆 I think saying “hymen” would get me kicked out of the local churches even faster than saying I’m gay would 😉

It is true that most straight people — I find even among those who support us — are very ignorant about what it means to be gay, but also to be a gay christian.

One straight coworker told me once about the great time he and his wife had had going to a strip-club for gay men the night before, and he told me quite happily, “Too bad you weren’t there! You would have loved it!”

When I asked why he thought I (who he knew to be a Christian lesbian) would have loved going to watch naked gay guys dance, he looked confused and said, “Because you’re gay.”


Joined in 2008
July 6, 2008, 03:27

yeah Link… its good to see you taking the step towards supporting your need for making connection with God with other people in the church. I really don’t think your orientation should be an issue.

Hi Craig — thanks for all your good words 🙂

Unfortunately, it could easily be a big issue in many of the “conservative” churches around here, I think in large part because of the flame-fanning and gasoline-throwing so many of those with theological political agendas here have been doing for so long (and continuing to benefit from, financially/etc)

People who have had only a little hate have been given an excuse to have a lot of hate. People who had a little fear have been given a reason to fear us worse than the devil himself. There are a number of horror stories I’ve heard from friends and such about being treated very badly and made to leave, etc.

The church I’m thinking about trying to worship in is a very poor, Spirit-led church that does a lot of outreach to the real world and that’s used to “oddball” people visiting at times. I’m guessing (and being told by the closeted lesbian who attends there) that I *might* make it, just for worship. If I do so, it will only be because they are seeing me as an “oddball” that God is perhaps testing them with, or going to be “cleaning up” later.

But no way would I ever try this in one of the larger or more “mainstream” pentecostal, charismatic, etc churches here, and I don’t know anyone else here who’s “obvious” who would, either. Not unless we wanted to risk an argument, or being publicly emotionally confronted, or indirectly attacked (e.g., the sermon suddenly changes to a a screaming hour-long rant on homosexuality), etc. In these cases, one is seen not as the unwanted sinner that wandered in, but as an agent of the devil, there to destroy the congregation and disturb their children.

In which case, one’s visit suddenly has nothing to do with worshiping God!

What’s REALLY sad in all this, is that even if I am able to worship there, there is no way to connect with the church community. I have other friends here who do “pass” and go to straight churches, and they’ve talked about how it’s not just lonely sitting outside the church, not allowed in (which is what me and my “obvious” friends complain about). My “passing” friends say it’s also lonely to be allowed in as long as you stay hidden. And they’ve actually told me not to even bother trying to worship in this little church next weekend — that it will just be the same pain, in a different place in one’s heart.

We’ll see what happens 🙂

Joined in 2006
July 6, 2008, 08:55

“its been so long since I had sex, my hymens grown over”

😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 taking a breath 😯 😆 😆

Far out!!!!!!!!!!! 😆

Link, cant wait to hear how it all goes 😀

In regards to church community, you dont have to be gay to feel left out, like you dont have many friends or any friends.

I have known so many who were lonely at church who were straight or were shunned because they didnt wear the right clothes or looked “femme” enough 😯 , I had experienced that myself and was even asked when I graduated college if I had “borrowed” the skirt suit I had worn 🙄 since I didnt rock up to church everytime wearing a full face of makeup and clothes to try and catch a guy 😯 I just wore jeans, so they assumed I had no formal attire.

I agree with Craig, Im there for God and whoever he wants to touch thru me at church, just be yourself and even plonk yourself in the front row 😉 😀 I usually do where I can 😆 or close enough to 😉

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