
Overcoming Porn

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Joined in 2013
November 29, 2013, 22:05

Hey dudes,

In case you haven't noticed, Internet porn is a phenomenon. I heard/read some statistics that almost 100% of boys have watched porn by the age of 14. As a Christian, porn can be viewed as a moral dilemma, however I don't want to talk about this. What I'm more concerned with it the psychological and social effects it has. I encourage you to watch this lecture ( It describes why porn is a problem and why you might like to change.

I'm addicted to porn. I started watching when I was 11 years old. In my prime, I watched it 3 or 4 times a day. Since then, I've tried giving up several times and the longest time I went without porn was 5 months or so. Lately, I've started watching it again. I don't watch it too much, but I do find that it has a negative affect on my attitudes and behaviours. I view guys in a more sexual way (and I work in a gym, which doesn't help), I can spend hours trying to find that perfect image or video, and its affecting my sex life. I believe these issues can be traced to the neural pathways, which probably are deeply engrained in my brain from a history of watching too much porn (If you haven't watched the video yet, please do. Its very insightful). My counsellor down at WA Aids council, recommended a "brain reset", where I commit to not watching porn for a period of time, to weaken and possibly rewire those neural pathways.

I wanted to write a post on here as a way of starting a support network. There are other resources out there, but I like freedom 2 be and I'm hoping to find some like minded people who have the same desire. I'm not entirely sure what this will look like. If you have anything to write, please do. Encouraging stories, prayer requests, information, weekly/daily reports. Even if you just want to say 'Hi', you're more than welcome!

Just a few rules:

Girls and Guys are welcome.

Don't get too graphic! Be vague when talking about sexual details. Wouldn't want that to be a stumbling block for others.

Thank, and hope to hear from y'all soon.


Joined in 2013
November 29, 2013, 22:07

On that note, let me be the first to say 'I soooo want to watch it right now!'

Joined in 2012
November 30, 2013, 00:18

Hey Levi, if there's something I've come to realise, it's the conclusion that I'll most likely never get over porn. I tried, I lasted two weeks max before my body just went super horny to the point where it was impossible not to look at porn (I think guys are naturally more horny than girls, I don't know why, it just is…), and I reverted back to it – no amount of prayer worked either. It was impossible for me and have stopped trying to cure myself of my inevitable desires.

I think if I ever got into a serious relationship though I would tell that special guy that sex would be important for me – and on a side note I'd like to think that if I found the right guy, porn would no longer be an issue because I'd already have that special someone. If for whatever reason I still couldn't overcome porn with that special person though, I'd just be honest and tell him that it doesn't mean I don't love him, it's more likely the case I'm just horny and need that desire to be fulfilled, lol. I don't think I'd ever have to resort to saying that though because I truly believe if/when I find that person, porn will no longer be an issue for me.

On a similar subject, since my school didn't educate me or my class on homosexuality (apparently only straight people exist in their minds), porn was the only education I received towards my own sexuality, and in an uncanny way it revealed what was a safe, and likewise, what wasn't safe. It's odd that something that can be destructive, has actually been a life saver for me in terms of what to do and what not to do, should I ever find someone. One could say too, that it was unfortunate that porn was the only education of my sexuality – I think there was even an article in PinkNews about that topic, though I can't remember when. But it is understandable why so many people resort to porn when there is a lack of information about their own sexuality, and furthermore, some religions even make you feel extreme self guilt about sexual desires or even the question of looking up anything sexually related, and I think THAT is what is wrong, because sex and desire is completely natural, and it shouldn't be suppressed.


November 30, 2013, 13:46

I guess for me, porn was never a big issue. I have looked from time to time but it has never had a real hold on me. At the moment, it still hasn't and for that I am thankful. That does not mean however that I do not understand what you guys struggle with as there are so many other things that can get my attention. My eyes still work and I notice so many things in everyday life that really kick my hormones into gear. For me the answer has been to try to find the real reason that I am so addicted to that thing and deal with that. The big M has been an issue but I find that at the core it is something that I use in order to make me feel better. I try to find what it is that I am feeling not so good about and try to address that issue. I hope that this does not sound too spiritual as it is not meant to be. I do not want to be a slave to anything and so I aim to be as free as I can be in this life. Much blessing to you guys. Jonathan.

Joined in 2011
December 12, 2013, 11:06

Hi! I guess it's my fantasy life that I'm addicted to. And I am writing in this discussion because….it's related!

Fantasy daydreaming is a huge part of my life since been in so many hurting relationships. The relationships in my dreaming are under my control, so makes sense to me.

Sometimes sexual stuff but not always. Just like to feel loved!

Joined in 2013
December 12, 2013, 21:39

Hi, Thanks for your sharing.

I have faced porn addiction for a long time but I have found internet porn and roulette sites to be more addictive than anything else.

To begin with its exciting, but I know i'm in trouble when I want to stop but its many hours later before I finally pull myself away & then I am back to it the next day. It doesn't enrich my relationships with others but rather takes me away from real connection.

Something really helpful is having my friend put a password on my computer so that I can't access it when alone and most vulnerable.

This of course is only part of the answer but for me it's a good start.

Also the more I am connected to people in a healthy way, the less need & opportunity I will have to try and meet unmet needs through Porn.

When I do stop I experience withdrawal symptom's but I also begin to feel more in touch with life.

I find it really beneficial to be totally honest with God about my struggles also. If I start the day with prayer & God's word then i'm a lot less likely to rush off for a fix of porn.

Thanks for the opportunity to share.


Joined in 2011
December 12, 2013, 21:58

Thanks Stephen. And yeah I understand what u mean about spending time with God. It causes us to be honest with ourselves & realise that these behaviors can separate us from others. I personally just need to somehow fix my relationship with God. That's a start!

Joined in 2012
April 22, 2014, 23:09

It is a real struggle for me as I seems to play a game of ping pong between porn and Bible. It is like being a Christian trying to give up smoking!

How do I break this problem? I understand that the Lord Jesus Christ said that whosoever looks upon a person with lust committed adultery!



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