
Pastor Outs Gay Teens in Church

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Mr Summit
Chapter Leader
Joined in 2010
June 21, 2011, 20:53

I’ve been to lots of church services where they do alter calls for embarrassing issues, but this just takes the cake. I was horrified when I watched this.

Youth Coordinator
Joined in 2008
June 21, 2011, 22:16

I saw this a couple days ago and couldn’t believe it!!

The saddest thing is that this still happens in many churches today…even a few in Australia. My heart broke thinking about those young people who were outed and then filmed and made to feel like they had a demon in them. 🙁

This pastor should be placed in jail for this…

Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
June 21, 2011, 22:23

Yes well that one beats them all, so misguided. My heart went out to all those young men and women who went forward, I was very moved.

Joined in 2008
June 22, 2011, 00:32

interesting video be cool if this amount on yelling actually had a result do we know if it did? i think even ex gay ministries acknowledge that more than yelling the name of God and exorcising is required for freedom in Christ. so i suppose a nice bit of sensationalism for the cameras but again what fruit did it produce? by their fruits

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
June 22, 2011, 14:01

I was actually considering whether I would put this up on the forum or not. It is a very disturbing video…….it took me back to the times I went out on altar calls crying my heart out to God, feeling condemned and worthless, like there was a demonic force inside me that only Jesus could deliver me from. It was quite heart wrenching to see the torment in the hearts of these young people believing that their sexual orientation was alienating them from God.

If it was a trigger for me I wondered if it might be a trigger for others as well.

We know that this kind of preaching and altar calls are not limited to the US but are happening also in some churches in Australia.

Joined in 2007
June 23, 2011, 07:34

Having gone up front on altar calls like this from the time I was about 15 til I was about 30, and hearing exactly the same ‘cliche’ and so called ‘Christian’ statements and accusations, I was simply appalled at this pastor and the woman whom I assume was his wife.

But more importantly, I felt for those young women and men, who went forward – who believed the words coming out out of their pastors mouths. These young people were being emotionally torn up, because they believe the hyped up comments about ‘their sin’. :~ :~ :~

I just wanted to tell them this is not God saying these things – this is not God’s view of you. This is just a misguided man and a woman on a stage – espousing ignorance – who simply do not understand you and do not understand God’s will. This man and woman simply don’t understand what it is like to be ‘gay’, and that their position is not one of compassion and understanding – but judgement and humiliation, and that statements like ‘we are with you’ are just empty rhetoric – that stepping forward on a altar like this, will mean that these young men and women will have to deal with snide comments and other bullying like behaviour from others within their church, because lets face it, some within the church who (being human and themselves) are simply homophobic. 🙁 🙁

I couldn’t help but think about when Jesus said, “let he who is without sin, cast the first stone”, and that doing an altar call about any sin (as this pastor put it) is just what ‘Jesus would NOT do’. And that being gay is not a sin. It is a sexual orientation.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
June 23, 2011, 12:49

Go Jason… your work

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
June 23, 2011, 14:41

Hi all

This is just so sad. What amazed me was how many young people came out to the altar call!!

I could see that the pastor and his wife were probably nice people but completely misguided and causing untold damage in their ignorance. That makes it even more sad; that they think they’re doing something kind and helpful for their young LGBT followers when they’re actually causing harm instead.

I think it takes great courage to answer any altar call. However when it concerns homosexuality, regarded as the greatest of demons/sins by many churches, the courage required is mammoth. And to be filmed while doing so and then outed publicly beyond the church… Well that’s outrageous and likely to have even more damaging effects. I would feel completely humiliated and violated if it was me, worried about the backlash of discrimination that might arise in the church and/or beyond it.


Ann Maree

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
June 23, 2011, 18:55

I have a friend in the US who went to a Joyce Meyer crusade and she did exactly the same thing……ask all the people who were struggling with homosexuality to come to the front for prayer. Great courage as you say Ann Maree…..and sometimes great desperation.

Joined in 2008
June 23, 2011, 22:19

🙁 This has me weeping at my computer… For those of us from church backgrounds such as this, we have seen and experienced this too many times. The hype that is generated only lasts while you are at the alter and then afterwards you are left even more confused, isolated and guilt ridden than before because now you have made it public!

I wish they could see and experience the utter damage they are causing with this BS! Im sooo disturbed by what is done in the name of Jesus…just my thoughts 😐


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