
Patrick Strudwick Exposed the Tricks of Ex-Gay Therapy. Now He's Really Going After Them

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
February 20, 2010, 12:53

Patrick Strudwick is the investigative journalist who posed as a patient hoping to become a heterosexual by turning to conversion therapists. Then he wrote it all up in an expose. But Strudwick isn’t stopping there. His just-formed group Stop Conversion Therapy Taskforce (SCOTT), which has nearly 3,000 Facebook members, is planning its first demonstration on Friday in Belfast, Ireland, at the Setting Love in Order Conference. Queerty’s David Hauslaib spoke with Strudwick in London today to learn more about the charade of conversion therapy, and how merely pretending to be a patient affected Strudwick’s own thinking about his sexuality.

Read more:

Patrick Strudwick speaks to Queerty about his ex-gay therapist investigation from Queerty on Vimeo.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
February 20, 2010, 13:59

I wish Patrick well in getting a ban on those who practice reparative therapy. Let’s hope the results of his work in the UK send a clear message to other countries that also have reparative therapies.

Joined in 2009
February 26, 2010, 21:01

I wish Patrick well in getting a ban on those who practice reparative therapy. Let’s hope the results of his work in the UK send a clear message to other countries that also have reparative therapies.

How about putting an expectation to the Australian professional psychology, counselling & psychotherapy registration and accreditation bodies to cease membership for counsellors and therapists who continue these practices.

They would not meet the code of conduct of my professional association, the AASW, but I am not sure about the psychologist registration bodies, CAPA or PACFA or others for example. Perhaps someone can enlighten us here?

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
February 27, 2010, 08:04

Hi Ash

I’ve just written to Philip Armstrong at the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) to find out their stance. Will let you know the outcome. Not sure about the other organisations. On the SCOTT facebook page, I saw that a psychiatrist in the UK was reported to the British Medical Council for practising reparative therapies. This is good news and needs to be happening more.

From the SCOTT facebook page, Sue Whitlock reported the following statement from the Counselling Society in the UK:

“The Counselling Society does not address the issue of therapeutic modalities per se as we believe in the freedom of counsellors and psychopractitioners to choose the modalities of work which they feel are appropriate. However, should, for example, a member apply to join the Society using this therapy or a training school apply for recognition for same, we would have to examine carefully whether or not the therapy was consistent with our Code’s stance on discrimination, which includes discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.” Like the British Assoc for Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP), they are an independent organisation, having their own accreditation criteria, Code of Ethics and complaints procedure and are not accountable to others bodies. I’m awaiting Sue’s response as to the BACP’s stance. I can’t imagine them being in favour of reparative therapies, especially if clients wrote to them using the complaints process. However, whether professional memberships would be stopped or restricted as a result of using reparative therapies, at this stage I’m not sure.

Watch this space….

Joined in 2009
February 28, 2010, 15:49

The Australian Psychological Society has developed guidance for their members in relation to homosexuality. This is particularly important.

The site for this is

eg I quote ” Is sexual orientation a choice? – No

“Is homosexuality a mental illness or emotional problem? – No

“Can lesbian and gay men be good parents? – Yes


There is a good discussion on each of these items and several other related issues on their website. It isn’t long and it is very readable.

In addition

gives “A Position Statement on the Use of Therapies that Attempt to Change Sexual Orientation”

Note particularly the recommendations on the last page.

I practiced as an accountant almost all my working life, and all members of the Australian Society of Accountants HAD to adhere to their Accounting Standards or risk being struck off the register. One would hope the same would apply to members of the Australian Psychology Society.

I recommend that if any member of the Australian Psychology Association engages in ex-gay therapy, they should be reported to the society with a request for that member to de-registered and for that person to cease to be able to practice.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
February 28, 2010, 17:33

Hi David

Thanks for posting this. I read the pages you included. The APA still seem cautious in their comments, I guess because they’re saying there’s no research for or against. I agree with your view to hope any psychological or health-related society would at least veer toward a ‘do no harm’ approach which is one of the main tenets of the hippocratic oath underpinning medicine. And given the harms that have been reported by ex gay survivors, you would hope that these would not be ignored.

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