
Phil's Story

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Joined in 2007
October 7, 2007, 09:46

Rural, of coarse you can call me friend!!!!

It is encouraging, as I said to Magsdee that others find encouragement in our personal stories. I’m partly sorry, and partly hopeful that in opening up a can of worms for you, that you will find a path to stength in that which had caused you some pain in your journey.

One of my favorite musicians, Tori Amos once said that “the only way to combat distruction is to create something”. I truely believe in this principal, and for me, it has been the pattern of God’s work in and around my life. I hope that you can build something for yourself in your spirit that will empower you.

I found that displaced made me angry. It was a deep seeded anger that I couldn’t always put my finger on. I finally feel that having stepped right away from church for a while, not because I am forced to, but by not trying to fit in with a world who is not ready to accept me, I have become stronger and feel I’m nearly ready to walk in with my shoulders back and my head high.

Today, I find solace in people of all different faiths and backgrounds in a way I couldn’t before as an institutionalised Christian. While a ‘church goer’, I only would accept counsil from ‘believers’ because there was a subconscious ideal that they knew the rules of life better. How arrogant of me.

What I’m attempting to share is that I had to let go off guilt because I am forgiven. It was hard to learn that it’s only God’s opinion of me that counts, and to truely develop that untouchable faith (or maybe I mean unwavering). We are not the super sinners, we are just sinners like everyone else.

Thank you for your reply. You sound like you are much stronger today than ever before, keep proclaiming that over yourself.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
October 8, 2007, 11:58

all these fantistic posts that i haven’t had the opportunity to catch up on.

its great to have you back with us in the forum Phil……and to have a deeper insight into your journey. I think there is a book in everyone of us.

Joined in 2007
October 8, 2007, 12:55

Hey Anthony,

Thanks for the welcome back, its nice to be back, too.

Who knows about the book. I might need some coaching there one day.


Joined in 2007
October 9, 2007, 13:49

Is it just me, or did anyone else find the part about the bride’s brother terribly romantic…?

Thanks for sharing. I wouldn’t mind hearing more about the HREOC inquiry (privately if you prefer) as I have a professional interest in that area.

Joined in 2006
October 10, 2007, 18:58

Yes, very romantic indeed wink

Joined in 2007
October 10, 2007, 22:09

I cannot begin to tell you how romantic. I love to remember it. I totally came undone. I knew that if I kept denying me true self, I was about to miss out on something wonderful. We are not without our struggles, but lightning struck us. And that moment on the beach will always be with me.


Joined in 2006
October 10, 2007, 22:35

Thats beautiful Phil D , funny how you just feel and know it when you meet “the”one, it is like lightening striking or for me when I recently met my g/f it was just a feeling like I had finally arrived home after being away for too long. We both felt the same and never had this ever before in our lives. I love her sooo much oops the dag she is lol

Joined in 2007
October 10, 2007, 22:46

Oh that is so cute! So nicely put. Just arrived home after being away too long. *sigh*

Warm fuzzies

Joined in 2007
May 3, 2008, 17:07

Since my last post, and sorry to stop the violins for those who liked the romantic manner in which Michael and I met (at the wedding on the beach). But sadly Michael and I have parted ways. I feel a little vulnerable in writing about it on the forum. And I acknowledge that there are two sides to the story. But I will attempt to share mine, doing justice to a wonderful man, who really did love me deeply, and whom will always have a special place in my heart.

Michael’s mental health was not always well managed. There were many episodes with his Bipolar disorder in the early stages of our relationship that placed a huge strain on me. I know that it hurt him too, and he struggled to feel like he could give to our relationship. He did eventually seek help, but by then, the intimacy of mind, body and spirit had diminished in our relationship to the point where all we were left with was a wonderful and supportive friendship.

I totally loved him and desired for it to be more. We did work hard, and in some ways, maybe not hard enough. But there is no one to blame for the way we have ended.

Michael helped me find confidence in who I am as a person and as a gay man. The Michael I loved did that. Unfortunately there were aspects of his mental health that contradicted what he built up in me. It was not good for either of us to continue. Both of us loving each other, but I really did not know that he was in love with me, even though he assures me now that was/is I’m not sure … kinda… um?

Michael and I finished our relationship this January. My heart tore in two and I didn’t know how I was going to move on in many ways, even though I thought I’d been preparing myself for it for 6 months or so leading up to the break up. Nothing can prepare you for the loss.

But thankfully, I am able to move forward. I am feeling whole again, and a friendship that has been well established for more than a year now has blossomed into an amazing partnership.

I have fallen in love with a wonderful man, who speaks my many languages, and is as much of a hopeless romantic as me. We have a mutual best friend who he completed his final year of school with, and I went to College with in Australia.

He inspires me to be the man I want to be, and he tells me that I do that for him too. We augment each other beautifully. I have to say I have fallen for him hook line and sinker. Since he lives in the United States, we talk, text and email messages all day every day. He is the last voice I hear before I sleep, and the first when I wake up, and even though it’s in the reverse for him, it’s the same. (Time zones – bahhh)

I can’t wait to see how the relationship continues to blossom. Having a long distance relationship at the moment definitely has it’s struggles, but we are a kindred spirit and having had some amazing time together over here recently, where he met my friends and saw where I live, and just fitted perfectly in beside me, I know it is a great decision to move to the US in July to be close.

So things are great for me now. I miss Michael’s friendship, but believe that my new man and I are very well suited and will last. They say when you know, you just know. I am sure, I know.

Joined in 2006
May 3, 2008, 19:36

Phil, I am sad to hear about Michael but I know where you are coming from, my last partner was bi-polar but with a psyhotic streak, we couldnt remain friends and she refuses proper help. I hope he can get the help he needs. Thankyou for sharing something so personal. Its awful at the time but you know when you have to move on for your own well being.

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