
Prayer Request

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Joined in 2009
March 6, 2010, 03:39

At Christmas as part of catching up with friends I felt I should come out to Greg, my best mate in High School almost 50 years ago. It turns out he is gay too. He was a deacon in the Anglican church and someone had outed him to the Archbishop who then refused to give him a licence. He has taken that fairly badly. On top of that he has had a difficult breakup with his partner late last year.

At present his doctor has said he is having a nervous breakdown and I am hoping he can be admitted to hospital fairly soon. He lives on his own in Adelaide and has very few friends around him. I am in Brisbane. The Lord was definitely behind my coming out to him without a doubt. (I have come out to very few).

Would you pray for Greg please, that the Lord will just lay His hand on Him and heal him? Deeply appreciated.

Joined in 2009
March 6, 2010, 05:04

will do David!

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
March 6, 2010, 06:18

Hi David

How lovely that you were able to come out to your friend at this significant time for him. I’m imagining God’s love surrounding Greg on all sides like a cushion he can rest in and feel comforted by.

Keep us posted.


Ann Maree


March 6, 2010, 10:14

Of course…I find it an absolute priviledge to pray for people.

Joined in 2009
March 6, 2010, 12:35

That means a tremendous amount guys. Thank you so much.

One thing I have learned in my life is that God definitely answers prayer.

I will keep you posted. This may take a while. These sorts of things usually do.


March 6, 2010, 12:40

May take a while, may not…depends how God does it this time 🙂


March 6, 2010, 12:42

By the way…I understand this situation as much as I can going by your post…I have had serious mental breakdown type of things in dealing with my issues, so I understand some of the processes.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
March 7, 2010, 00:59

we have some freedom 2 b[e]’ers in Adelaide…….do you think he would like someone to visit

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
March 7, 2010, 16:30

Hi David

What do you think of avb’s idea of someone visiting, either from f2b or elsewhere? That could be a really good idea. And would Greg be interested in being on this site? I also can help with finding mental health supports in the community. Although I’m in a different state, I work in the area and know where to make enquiries. Message me if interested and I’ll provide further info.


Ann Maree

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
March 7, 2010, 16:37

Hi fyre_krystal

Welcome and great to have you with us. Thanks for sharing something about your own struggles. People don’t realise just how common mental health issues are. Some stats say 1 in 5 are affected and some indicate 1 in 3 in Australia. That’s amazing …..and those in our LGBT community are more at risk.

I hope you enjoy f2b and find it to be a supportive space.


Ann Maree

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