
Rachel Maddow Vs Richard Cohen ('Ex-gay' "therapist")

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
December 9, 2009, 16:06

Rachel Maddow Vs. The Man Who Claims He Can Make Her Straight

Whoo boy: Things got steamy on the Rachel Maddow Show tonight, as Maddow faced off with Richard Cohen, the ex-gay “psychotherapist” who claims gays can choose to be straight. It’s the heavy-weight homo showdown you’ve been waiting for!

In this corner:

The grand doyenne of liberal demagoguery… the way gay Ray who thinks Tom Delay is lame… a feisty fighter with a hook that swings way to the left… RACHEL MADDOW!!!!


Maddow has been prepping for this fight for days, ever since a proposed Ugandan anti-gay bill that would make homosexuality punishable by death became one of her show’s pet issues. She’s bashed Cohen repeatedly throughout, as his “sexuality is a choice” teachings and books have been cited by Ugandan supporters the law.

And in this corner:

The phony pyscho-physician who falsifies his fondness for females… the “ex-gay” who’s in the closet to stay and says he’ll make your homosexual urges go away… the camp counselor you hope you never have… RICHARD COHEN!!!

[boos, hisses]

Cohen is probably best-known for his book Coming Out Straight, in which he attributes homosexuality to “same-sex attachment disorder” which can be cured through fake treatment. He also runs the International Healing Foundation. Feel free to visit their website, but be warned: It is NSFW, unless your work is OK with you vomiting on your keyboard out of disgust.

So, let’s get to it: Cohen was on The Rachel Maddow Show tonight and the two totally went at it!

[ding! ding!]

Here is the full video, but scroll down for just the zingers:

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