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Joined in 2007
January 16, 2009, 08:34


At the moment I’m at holiday. Being away from regular church life gives me a other perspective over things in my life. There is same sex attraction yes, but living with it in this day and age is not abnormal. But what in the Christian world? Church doesn’t believe that it is from our Creator but it is inheritance of sin or we choose for it. Are we born with it, if yes does God say yes to a monogamy same sex relationship.? Most of us on this forum believe that it is so. And if I have to answer with my Christian mindset I have to say No.

After a lot of time and my relationship with God becoming weaker. This issue causes doubt in my heart. No answers from God that really give me an answer who I’aml. Only follow me and obey me I think that he says. But what does god mean with it following Him? Does it mean that he says that I have to lay it aside? If yes I find that the most difficult issue of my life.

ps. it could be funny English.

Joined in 2006
January 16, 2009, 11:04

We have all been in a place where we just throw our hands in the air and just go ” I just dont know”, its not the most uplifting place to arrive in nor a place of necessary resolution, in the least we have come to the end of ourselves.

Its not a bad place, usually its just a place of realisation that we just have to let go and “just be” with what we do know and leave the unanswered stuff alone for a while or accept it wont be answered. The thing is, NO-ONE has all the answers, I’d even dare to say not even half.

what do you see as being right for you right now? or what is it that would give you the most peace right at this moment?

I believe you cant change your orientation but I also believe God loves you as you are oriented and that will never change, the rest is usually worked out over time but in the meantime dont be too hard on yourself, give yourself some space to breath from things a little if you can.

Joined in 2007
January 16, 2009, 13:12

Hoo boy, definitely know where you are coming from. Asking why I am homosexual.

Not getting an answer.

I still don’t have one, really. All I can tell you is that I no longer worry much about that particular question because, after years of wrestling… I stopped trying to understand my homosexuality, and decided to accept it for a while and see where it led.

I honestly believe that it was God that told me to do that. Twice, even. First he told me to acknowledge my feelings and not smother then, and then a month or so later when I tried to dive back into wrestling and struggling, he reassured me that I was doing the right thing.

“Where it led” was a life with much more freedom and hope. A huge weight was lifted off my shoulders in that period of time. I won’t say more ‘happiness’ because being gay and honest about it brings different things to deal with… but I still think they’re BETTER things! Like finding Mr Right… 🙂

Now, I can’t really tell you what God means when he tells YOU to follow and obey. I can only share my own story.

– Trevor

Joined in 2006
January 16, 2009, 15:35

First he told me to acknowledge my feelings and not smother then, and then a month or so later when I tried to dive back into wrestling and struggling, he reassured me that I was doing the right thing.

Gees, not to wrestle, isnt it the best place to be 😉 So important to be who you are and not bury the character and emotions that come with that, we actually have so much to give by us just being us as we are, we colour our world.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
January 17, 2009, 00:55

I used to ask God all the time 4JC…..why me….it isn’t fair. this is a curse.

I was very ignorant about sexual orientation and only had a cultural christian mindset and literatue to draw on……hence my 22 years of torment. I think I had to leave the church to find the truth.

Why am I gay?

It happened in my mothers womb. A combination of genetics and hormones wired me to be attracted to same sex and not the opposite.

I always feel a little awkward when I hear people say god made them gay. I think it gives a picture of God with some stick that he touches people with. Most he touches with the heterosexual stick and a few with the homosexual stick.

then of course he does that to right handed and left handed people as well……and then some he makes with red hair.

It seems like a wierd concept of God to me.

I’m gay because I am. Its natural to me as heterosexuality is to a heterosexual.

Does that help?

hope you are having a good holiday in Europe.

Joined in 2006
January 24, 2009, 10:38

I agree with mags, no one has all the answers, or even half! The older I get (i just turned 28 and am feelin’ it!) the less answers I have and im starting to like it that way, gives more room for God to be God in my life.

I dont know if sharing this will help but I used to be so i guess the word would be ‘proud’ in being gay…my attitude was ‘im gay, i was born this way and if you dont like it you can go get…’ I was so consumed and defensive with this that i created a huge road block between me and God (not suggesting you have done this but just my experience)…it wasnt until, as a struggling Christian, I completly surrendered to God – I stopped worrying about whether I was right or wrong, what the future would look like if God told me ‘I couldnt be in a gay relationship etc etc’ (that wont apply to everyone but from a Christian perspective it is about trusting God to have control of every part of your life)…and it was in that moment of surrender, in the moment where i stopped questioning and saying ‘why me’ and instead ‘I trust you God’ that i was released from the confusion, the questioning and got peace over it…no verbal answers but just peace.

I feel your pain 4JC…may the grace of God bring you peace on this part of your life.

Joined in 2008
January 24, 2009, 12:05

…and it was in that moment of surrender, in the moment where i stopped questioning and saying ‘why me’ and instead ‘I trust you God’ that i was released from the confusion, the questioning and got peace over it…no verbal answers but just peace.

Yeah, love that word surrender … we don’t know all the answers to life’s questions … just to be at peace with ourselves and not worrying about the future 😉

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
January 26, 2009, 13:27

yep…..well said Bec

Joined in 2007
August 25, 2009, 08:17

The rest of my story. Christian for 9 ½ years, discovering that I’m same sex attracted when I was 14.

Personally I’m don’t know how my world will change if tell I’m same sex attracted.

I’m not Australian I had to leave this beautiful country with mixed feelings. Being in a great church (AOG) and study in Australia was a great part of my life.

Being same sex attracted I choose to do it very lonely by only telling a few people. Having a crush on some other guys brings confusion that brings depression. Knowing that I have a call of God on my life of my story I can’t mess up, is what I believe.

Now I go to a great church in a other country. My plan is to move to that city. (No borders in European Union).

Last weekend I drove back I passed a city with large gay community. So I Just visited a few gay friendly bars less than a minute I didn’t really feel comfortable yet. Sunday nights doesn’t attract lots of people. Even my city has a small gay community centre to and gay friendly bars. Walked passed by them but never really wanted to go in.

Serve God and being gay is not possible in the church. An AOG church in Europe is more behind than the church where I went. So I don’t know what to do, my plan is just visit the gay bars and meet some people if there comes something out it will be like that. But it is a big step.

I really hope to find the right frequency how to live with this. And is that plan of God how I have it in my mind like I believe is that so important that I have a responsibility to HIM.

Thank you for reading this.

(I left places and city’s out of this)

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
August 25, 2009, 12:38

hi 4JC….i think a lot of us make the mistake that connecting with our tribe is done in a gay ghetto or bar or something similar. there is something within us that wants to connect….people like us…..people who understand…places where we can be ourselves.

We have often been sold a lie that bars, clubs and sex venues is the gay community. this simply is not true. that is only the tip of the iceberg.

there is a wonderful community underneath that is not as visible.

Connecting with them is a little more difficult. Our F2b meetings in Sydney and Melbourne provide those safe spaces.

If you go the local GLBT community headquarters… might find info about similar groups. Or if you ring the GLBT help line they might know of whats out there for you.

in the meantime you have us.

anyone esle have suggestions

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