
Same Sex Attraction Explanation

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man in confusion
Joined in 2009
January 6, 2010, 20:13'%20Sermon.pdf

man in confusion
Joined in 2009
January 6, 2010, 20:16

Hi All and active readers..Please do have time and share with me reading the link and need your simple feedback even if you tell me that you only NOTED the content..Your brother

Joined in 2008
January 6, 2010, 20:33

I have a number of comments to make on this, but I’m sure others will come and point them out later. At the moment, all I have to say is that the author of this article reveals a severe lack of knowledge on the issue of homosexuality when he suggests that LGBT people represent four different sexes and that lesbian and gay individuals are not just as female or just as male as their heterosexual counterparts. It is no wonder, with dehumanizing ideas such as these in his head, that he makes homosexuality out to be a weakness. To me, that one comment alone betrays such a great ignorance on the matter that I can’t trust him as an authority on the subject – he is clearly not speaking with knowledge of the most recent scientific and psychological discoveries about gay people, but is instead employing out-of-date, insulting, and dehumanizing perceptions of gay people to make his case. Therefore, I would have to reject his overall argument. His premises are wrong – his conclusion must be wrong as well. And that’s probably a pretty bold stance for me to take, but that’s what I think about it. Interested in hearing what others have to say.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
January 6, 2010, 22:08

Hi man in confusion

This author suggests that homosexuality is a weakness and I definitely disagree with that. Unfortunately we’ve lived in a world that has considered it as such and I doubt it was any different in biblical times. However that doesn’t mean it is a weakness; not at all.

I resent the argument that the rest of the world is suffering because of gay people not reproducing as heteros do in the “natural” way. The rest of the world is NOT suffering because of the presence of gay people. If anything LGBTIQ people suffer because of this type of ignorance being preached.

I worked in sexual health and IVF for years and it’s a first for me to read that being a same sex attracted woman makes me a different sex to hetero women. In another thread someone mentioned there might actually be 8 genders but they were talking about chromosomes, genetics, genital variations etc in the context of intersex and transsexual issues. That’s quite different to what this guy thinks others might be proposing. I agree, gettingthere – he really does show his ignorance.

What’s interesting is that the author seems to imply that gay people can’t change their orientation and that is one positive aspect of this article. He seems to be saying that there is some strength to be gained from accepting the “weakness” of homosexuality. Well yes, there are lots of things to be gained if the world and gay people embrace and fully accept homosexuality and alternative ways of being. I don’t think that we have to be celibate though which is what he’s suggesting.

Joined in 2007
January 7, 2010, 01:24

Hmmm. Interesting. I don’t think this sermon deviates very far from most conservative outlooks. At least it doesn’t render false hope of change. It’s a bit random that he used the word “gender” to describe GLBT. I don’t really think that was the right word to get across what he was trying to say: That somewhere along the line our “natural” attraction to the oppisite sex got muddled up and thus resulted in GLBT–this isn’t really a gender necessarily.

Anyway I think most of us here are wise enough to realise that comments like these lack validity.

Joined in 2008
January 16, 2010, 13:09

As I and others have noted elsewhere on the forum, the author is confusing same-sex attraction with same-sex orientation, the former term not being used much now anyway. There is a difference. I agree with the other posts here that our homosexuality should not be seen as a weakness. I think the author has used the bible passage out of context here. It is my understanding that Paul’s weakness was not a physical one as such, but rather one of persecution, as clearly demonstrated by the scriptures. Paul prayed that this weakness (persecution) be removed from him, but God told him that His grace was sufficient for him to continue his ministry of Christ’s message of love and salvation for all 🙂

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
January 17, 2010, 13:17

Good point mobilegay……….ex-gay style ministries usually use the term same sex attraction instead of same sex orientation. They do this on purpose as same sex orientation is more PC……..and they believe it waters down the scientific basis for sexual orientation. Its unfortunate as it creates a false impression with those struggling…….they tend to think they it is actually about what is in their mind and what they do with their genitals…….reducing it down to a sexual act.

Personally I find it quite offensive when people try and reduce the essence or who I am… identity….and my natural orientation being reduced down to a sexual act. Whether I acted on it or not…..I’d still be gay…..being attracted to the same sex is only a small part of it.

Joined in 2007
January 18, 2010, 14:42

Personally I find it quite offensive when people try and reduce the essence or who I am… identity….and my natural orientation being reduced down to a sexual act. Whether I acted on it or not…..I’d still be gay…..being attracted to the same sex is only a small part of it.

I read something about this just yesterday. Most people are conditioned in such a way that when they hear homosexual/gay, they think SEX.

Which is not what their mind leaps to when you use the word heterosexual.

There are all sorts of consequences of this – from straight men feeling the need to immediately advise a gay man that they’re not gay (as if the gay men would otherwise immediately want to have sex), to people feeling uncomfortable with the notion that pre-adolescent children are gay (whereas the idea that they’re straight is comfortable and unexceptional).

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
January 18, 2010, 16:23

Yes I have enjoyed pointing out to heteros that while I don’t mind answering their enquiries about lesbian sex (depending on who it is and the context, of course!), the fact that this is often one of the first things asked is interesting. I commonly reciprocate by asking about their sexual experiences which is usually met with surprise. They often don’t realise what it feels like to be confronted with such personal matters in a social setting because no one questions the heteronormative culture.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
January 18, 2010, 16:58

funny 😀 😀 😀 I do the same thing when people start asking personal intimate questions …..when I start asking them for some more specific details about their sex lives or relationship with their heterosexual partner and they start squirming or looking like they are offended by my intrusion……..then I just smile and say……“Sorry…..this is obviously none of my business. hey…..why don’t we come to an agreement…..I’ll let you off the hook if you let me off the hook.” They usually get it then.

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