
SEPT @ CRAVE MCC: integrity in sexuality and relationships.

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Karl Hand
Joined in 2009
August 26, 2009, 16:12

At CRAVE MCC we don’t believe that everyone has to choose between heterosexual marriage, celibacy or immorality. There IS a better option…

This September, in our preaching, we are exploring the theme of how we have wisdom and integrity in building our sexual relationships.

What is CRAVE MCC?

CRAVE MCC was born a year ago, out of a desire in the hearts of many people to have a place where we could live in our integrity. We were people who wanted to follow Jesus, who had an experience of the Holy Spirit, and who didn’t find mainstream churches fulfilling. Some of our congregation don’t “fit the mould” of traditional romantic relationships but are still are wanting to live an ethical life marked by Jesus.

What is Our Integrity?

As Followers of Jesus, we know that Jesus hasn’t called us to walk an easy road. How do we express a sexual ethic that is inclusive of people who do or don’t “fit the mould” without being permissive?

The best example we are given as Christians is Jesus. The one who loved us enough to die, and is faithful to us even now. Whether we are single or in a relationship, we are not always loving even if we are being ‘faithful’. But no matter how imperfect we are, Jesus never leaves us. When we ignore him, he keeps loving us. This way of Jesus – this love and faithfulness, is a value that can apply to people who are attracted to men or women, or both, people who are celibate, or still unsure.

Through September, we’re going to focus on the theme of wisdom in building relationships looking at Proverbs 5 and other stories from scripture, such as: Joseph and Potipher’s Wife, Judah and Tamar, Ruth and Naomi.

All Welcome

If you are a regular CRAVE’r, or a spiritual seeker, or even if you’ve never been to church… if you ask questions about sexual ethics and want to know how to live with integrity, we invite you to come along and ask some of these hard questions with us, and listen for the Spirit’s guidance.

We meet in Paddington Uniting Church, 395 Oxford St. Paddington at 3pm every Sunday. The Relationships theme will be going all through September.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
August 26, 2009, 22:33

hey Karl….welcome to our space. good to have you here.

Integrity is one of my favourite words.

Why dont you post your story in the telling our stories section. I’m sure it will encourage others when they here of your journey.

Joined in 2008
August 27, 2009, 04:08

This is going to be a great series @ CRAVE!!!

Totally challenging as usual 🙂

Joined in 2008
September 12, 2009, 19:12

I am preaching tomorrow, should be a great day!

Weather looks good to be hanging out in Paddo too 🙂

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