
sharing my story - Sydney church this Sunday

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Joined in 2011
September 24, 2015, 11:19

Hi all,

A few years ago I was a regular freedom 2 be contributor. I received enormous support and encouragement as I went through my own journey of coming out. This Sunday I will be sharing my story of faith and of coming out among my church community at Balmain Uniting Church.

I shared last year at the Uniting church women's conference – and now I will share my story in my own church.

I thought I might mention it here – as I wanted to extend the invitation to any fb2ers to come along. Our minister won't be there this Sunday – she's on holidays, however I will be leading the service and you would be more than welcome. If you feel like worshipping in a safe space – and if perhaps someone else's s shared story of faith and of coming out might be of encouragement to you then here are the details:

Balmain Uniting church – which is located at 344 Darling St Balmain (the church in the cafe – Casual Mondays)

Service starts at 9.30AM

This Sunday 27th September.

Feel free to PM me if you'd like more info or if you plan on coming along.

Felicity (aka Sarab)

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